Chapter Twenty Two

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Chapter Twenty Two

I had forgotten something important. I know it's only been a day since I've been in LA but I should probably call my parents. Dad is probably beyond pissed at the moment.

But right now, I had to go with the plan. I had to think about how this was going to work.

Obviously we couldn't just expose Allie right now in the party. Everybody will be completely drunk and they won't remember much.

Lily proposed that we could expose her on our first day of school and tonight is just the night of receiving information. Honestly, I've never done such things before so I'm kind of nervous.

In a couple of minutes, Ryder pulls up next to a large mansion.

I get out of the car and Ryder holds my hand. Alex and Lily pulled up soon and she gets out quickly.

"Alright, let's begin phase one of operation lord of the flies," She says.

I raised my brow. "Operation lord of the flies?"

"Yeah you know," She continues. "From You're Gonna Go Far Kid by the Offspring."

"That song actually fits perfectly with our situation," I replied.

"Don't it?" She grins at me and locks her elbow with mine. "We'll show her who runs this town now."

"That's right," I grin back.

"Oh god," I hear Alex say behind us. "What are they planning?"

Ryder chuckles, "No idea man."

She looks behind us. "We're plotting something extremely important so we'll be away for a while during the party."

"Be careful, girls," Alex raised a brow. "Some people aren't really nice when they're drunk."

"Oh jee, never heard that one before," Lily rolls her eyes. "We'll be fine."

"Whatever you say," Alex chuckles.

Lily's phone beeps and she looks at it.

"It's a text from her," She grins at me.

"What does it say?" I ask. We were nearing the entrance of the mansion now. The music was really loud. You could even hear it from 100 feet away.

"I'm hereeee!! <333" Lily reads aloud.

"Why so many e's and 3's?" I rolled my eyes.

"She's just preppy like that," Lily grimaces. "It kind of makes sense though."

"What does?"

"She acts so nice and sweet but nobody can act like that all the time. It makes sense that underneath is an evil exterior."

"That's true."

Lily rubs her hand and shifts left to right in excitement. "I can't wait for phase one to begin. I can't wait to exploit all her deepest and darkest secrets."

I laughed. "You're so evil Lily."

"I know," She gives me a big grin. "But that will show her that if she messes with my best friend, even just a little bit, she's going to be a goner for sure!"

I smiled at her. I was so happy and lucky I had a best friend like Lily. Who knows where I would be right now if she and Alex weren't mates. Scratch that, who knows where I would be if we never got along.

"I feel like I should ask," Alex says. "But then again, maybe not."

"Who is this girl you're getting back at anyway?" Ryder asks for him.

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