Chapter Nine

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Chapter nine

“So this is where the rogues are hiding?” I asked the alpha when we came to a stop in front of a creepy, abandoned-looking factory.

“Basically, yeah,” He says as he puts on his shorts.

“Why am I not surprised?” I follow him towards a window of the factory. He shushes me while sliding against the wall and then under a window. I followed his lead. He then raises his head to peer through the window. I mirrored his actions. Through the window, I saw a couple of people sitting on chairs while drinking beer and chatting. “Are those the rogues?”

I see him nod. I usually would expect rogues to be torturing people and stuff instead of drinking beer. Maybe I didn’t know too much about rogues? All my parents told me was that they were very dangerous. I shouldn’t underestimate them yet though.

“Lily should be up on the top floor,” The alpha whispers. “Just follow me, okay?”

I nodded. Soon, I see the alpha’s nails turn super sharp like a werewolf’s claw. Was I supposed to do that too? He noticed my confused expression and asked, “Why aren’t you retracting your claws?”

“I don’t know how to,” I admit.

“Isn’t that necessary though, especially for a beta?” He looks at me strangely.

I shrugged. “I’ve never been taught that before.” I really haven’t, seeing as I don’t train my wolf for combat at all.

“Once we save Lily, I’ll make sure to teach you that because it’s kind of mandatory when you’re a shifter.” He crouches down. “Get on my back.”

I timidly got onto his back and wrapped my arms around his neck. I haven’t been in this position ever since I was a child when my dad used to give me piggy back rides. He then used his claws to climb the wall. I was scared of heights, so I held on tightly and shut my eyes.

We soon reached the roof of the factory and I let go when he set me down.

“For a girl who doesn’t know the basic shifting fighting moves, you sure had a death grip on me. I nearly choked because of you.”

“It’s cause I’m scared of heights,” I admit.

“You do realize that even if you fall, you won’t feel anything because of your wolf.”

“We should be saving Lily right now, not talking about this,” I say, not wanting to talk about my little knowledge about my own kind.

He looks at me strangely again and walks along the roof. I follow him as he crouched down to look at something. I noticed that he was looking through a hole.

“She’s down there,” He whispers, “Look.”

I looked through the hole and see a blonde girl tied up with a bunch of men surrounding her.

“Alright here’s the plan,” He starts. “I’ll go down there and fight the rogues and when everybody is out of that room, tear this roof and untie your friend. When you get her, break through the window and run back to the house. If I get captured, ask my pack mates to come and save me, okay?”

“Are you crazy? You can’t handle all of them at once! What if they kill you?!”

“I know I can’t, but I can outsmart them. If they kill me, then make sure my pack stays happy okay? It’s the most you can do when I’m gone.”

I looked at him incredulously when he recited his plan. I would feel extremely guilty if he dies. Then I question, “But what if I don’t know how to untie rope?”

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