Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty one

There's always that one time you really need a friend but nobody was there for you.

Well, this is the time I really appreciate having a friend. I pushed everybody away but I wasn't going to do it this time.

Lily was always there for me and she always noticed when I pushed her away. She kept her distance from me when I really needed it and she understood me all the time. She never judged me for anything I did and never left me for anybody else.

If I looked at it from her point if view, I was always there for her too. When she was angry at something, I calmed her down. I went shopping with her to ogle at boys and we practiced doing each other's makeup. We ended up poking each other's eye out but we had a laugh about it.

I wasn't going to take her for granted. What we do together made me realize she wasn't just my best friend. She was like my sister. And I trusted her the most.

Every time, I thought I annoyed her and that I was a horrible friend because I wasn't the most fun person to be around. But now, I realized how close we were.

It also made me realize that she gets really angry and would kill somebody for me.

"I'm going to kill that stupid bitch," Lily says so dangerously calm after I told her what Allie said last night.

I shrugged. "It was kind of true what she said."

Lily glares at me. "Don't you dare even say that! She is not correct and you are beautiful just the way you are."

She was pacing around the room, clearly trying to not get fully angry and punch something.

"We need to get her back," She says. "We need to embarrass her and not make her want to bother you ever again."


"I have a plan," She smirks. "We can't really kill her. It won't be good for our reputation. But we can expose her."

"Okay," I say unsurely. I don't even understand how we were even going to do this.

"She still thinks I'm her friend, remember that Grace."

My mouth formed a little "o".


After I came back from the garden, I still couldn't shake the feeling that somebody was watching me. It was until I reached the area where there were more people did I shake the feel off.

Allie scowled when Ryder pulled away from the group and came over to me. He gave me a peck on the lips.

"Hey," He says. "Where did you go off to?"

"The garden," I reply. "It's really nice there."

He gave me a small smile. "I go there when I'm mad or sad and my mother would always be there. She never judged me like my father did. She actually listened to my problems."

"She sounds like a lovely woman."

"She is," He says and stretches. "My own birthday party is getting boring. Do you wanna ditch?"

I take a glance at Allie. She wasn't there anymore and Lily was talking to Alex.

There wasn't anything really to do.

So I shrugged and said, "Why not?"

"I have to get back by six to blow the candles out," He says.

"Alright," I say.

He grabs my hand and he leads us back inside the house.

"Where are we even going?" I asked.

"To bed," He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively.

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