Chapter Eleven

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Chapter eleven

There was a wolf sitting in front of me. He was calm and was staring intently at me but its crimson eyes challenged me to move or shift. I knew if I did, I’d probably get my throat ripped out.

I’ve never seen a wolf with red eyes before. They were enchanting to look at and held power within them.

I instantly knew that this wolf wasn’t a rogue. The wolf was quite large, maybe even larger than my mate. He has black fur that glistened in the rain. In every way, he reminded me of Ryder but I knew he wasn’t him.

A light brown female wolf trotted up next to him. She also smelled of power and her eyes were red like the male wolf. She was small compared to the male wolf but she was also probably larger than any other female wolf, including me.

She glances at me and then back at the male wolf. By the way she brushed her body against his, I instantly knew that they were mates. But why were they looking at me?

She threw a hard glare at the male wolf but he ignores it and walks closer to me. He sniffs me for a second before he growled loudly making me flinch. Did I really smell that bad?

I catch an apologetic look from the female wolf.

The male looked almost satisfied when he saw me flinched. His crimson eyes were still staring into my light brown ones. My back was up against a tree trunk so running isn’t an option. He’d probably catch me anyway with that size.

I was defiant when I decided to stare back, trying to match his powerful gaze. He almost looked annoyed with me for some reason and a heavy sigh came from him.

I then smelled my mate, which broke my contact with the wolf. I looked to the side and Ryder was there looking pissed off. He growls loudly at the wolf in front of me. Ryder was almost the same size as the wolf and their fur were the same color.

He goes behind a tree and comes out in his human form wearing shorts.

“Back away from her,” He orders through gritted teeth. The wolf stares annoyingly at him before he backs away from me. Ryder makes a gesture with his head for me to go over to him.

I swiftly move toward him, hoping that I didn’t show any fear of the giant wolf behind me. He put his hand on my waist and pulled me close to him on the side in a protective stance. I returned the affection by wrapping my arms behind his naked back. I felt him relax under my touch but the anger in his eyes was still present.

“The rogues escaped,” I heard another person’s voice say. It was Alex. Lily was right beside him and I was relieved that they could find her.

They caught notice of the unfamiliar wolves in front of us. I hear Alex’s breath hitch. Apparently, both of the guys know them. The wolf’s eyes darted from me to Lily before he walked away, his mate following him.

“Who were those wolves?” I hear Lily ask.

“My parents,” Ryder answered.

My eyes widened. How did I not recognize them?! I just had a stare showdown with the king too. That’s completely disrespectful and I’m going to get my head torn off for sure.

I looked at Ryder to notice that his eyes were still hard and angry. They were still staring at the spot his parents were at when they had found me. I had known that he and his father didn’t get along but he looked like he wanted to kill him.

The real question was what were they doing here?

“Let’s go back to the city,” He says gruffly. I turned to look at Lily and Alex. They were in a tight embrace and I almost gushed at how cute that is.

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