Monkey D. Luffy x Reader

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Title: Innocent Kisses
Setting: Going Merry (SOB)
Time: Day

You were dating the captain of the strawhats. Yes. Monkey D. Luffy. Somehow, the two of you just clicked when you had seen each other.

You had the power of the Music Music fruit, a power which makes you able to manipulate soundwaves, and use them to harm, or help people with emotions, hearing, etc.

Luffy had deemed that very useful, and made you apart of their crew early on, though you refused to play music, since you didn't have any instruments.

Sure, he was upset, but he made you his first mate, so you wouldn't complain about that.

Maybe a little.

You originally didn't even want to join. You were going to join Whitebeard, but fell upon luffy instead.


"Y/N!" You were relaxing in the bathtub when Luffy bursted in, "Sanji spilled syrup on my hair!!" He groaned.

You smiled at him softly, and waved him over, "The water is fresh, we can share it." Luffy grinned, and got undressed, slipping into the tub with you.

The two of you talked as you washed his hair, taking out tangles and knots in the process.

"you' good at this N/n..." He murmured.

"Oh, am i now?" You asked, and chuckled, running your fingers through his hair, lathering up the soap before you rinsed.

He just grinned up at you, closing his eyes.

"oh- now wash your body, I'll turn around."

Turning in the water, you placed your arms on the edge, and drew invisible shapes on the tub.

Luffy suddenly pulled you back, and layed you against his chest.

You just smiled small, and relaxed, letting him move the hair from your face, "Where'd you get the heart tattoo, and especially on your eye?!" He asked, and smiled, "it's awesome!"

You tensed, but relaxed when her nuzzled his head into the crook of your neck, "Well, it was when I was the captain of my own crew." You murmured, covered your mouth when Luffy's jaw dropped.

"You were a CAPTAIN?!"

"Mhm, Captain of The Rockstar Pirates. We were very interested in musical abilities, and fighting with them. Decibels can kill your hearing for awhile, you just need to know the right amount to use."

Luffy grinned, "So cool! Have you been to the grand line?" He asked, bouncing a bit.

You nodded, "I've been to the new world aswell." Your transponder snail on the counter rang, so you just grabbed it, "Who?" You asked.

"Wow, N/n, that's not how you treat your family Ye heh heh!" Trebol rang."

"What do you want, Treb?" You grumbled.

"Doflamingo hasn't been too great, and i think he's a little more stressed than usual, he won't even accept Baby 5's help."

"Ugh- put him on."

Luffy just listened, still nuzzling into your neck as you waited.

Suddenly, a laugh rang through the snail, "N/n, it's been awhile since your last chat with the family." Doflamingo laughed.

"Well, I'm not attached to you, that's for sure." You said, rolling your eyes, "I have my own things to worry about right now, Big Mama wants to see me, and I'm going to the Warlord's meeting soon, so chill!" You yelled at the phone, and collected yourself soon after.

"You'll get your calmness soon enough, Doflamingo." You said, and hung up.

Luffy frowned, and hugged your bare body closer to his, and pressed a little kiss to your forehead, grinning at you afterwards, "C'mon, be happy again!" He laughed, and nuzzled his nose against yours.

"yes, yes, I'm happy luffy." You smiled, and cupped his cheeks, "Because you're here, it's all because of you." You laughed, blessing his ears with your musical laughter.

He flushed, and laughed, "Shishishi!"

You pulled him close, and pressed a kiss to his lips, looking to the side as you parted.

Luffy grabbed your cheeks, and made you look at him, slamming his lips against yours, "mm!"

You wrapped your arms around his neck, pressing yourself against him more.

You began to cry, your tears slipping down your cheeks.

Luffy pulled away, and gave you a determined smile, "He's not gonna hurt you, i promise." He was being fully out of character, but his expression was the same old Luffy that you knew and loved.

"i know he won't hurt me, but thank you, luffy." You smiled, and tilted your head, pressing another kiss against his lips, letting the tears slip down your cheeks softly.

Zoro walked in, "Can you guys?!-" he stared, flushing madly, "come on- just-" he sees your face, "What happened?" He asked, and stepped inside, closing the door.

You simply looked over at him "King of Dressrosa." You murmured, "he's after me, because i was apart of his family. I used to be the infamous captain of the rockstar pirates." You informed him.

Zoro's jaw dropped, "The hell?!" He shook his head, "We'll talk later, N/n, just- relax, okay?" He asked, and gave you a smirk, "you're with us now."

"LIKE I NEED YOU, ROOKIE!" You shouted, anger crossing your features.

"YOU WERE LITERALLY CRYING YOU GODDAMN GUITAR AMP." He growled, casually clashing heads with you whilst you were in the tub.

Luffy frowned, "Zoro! We're taking a bathhhhh." He groaned.

Zoro had to take that in for a moment, before flushing a bit, "Oh- my bad. I'm still fucking mad- get ready when you leave the tub, N/n." He threatened, and retreated.

Luffy hugged you close, and pressed kisses to your face, "Mine!" He grinned.

You flushed, "of course."

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