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Walking down that set of stairs must've been one of the scariest things I have ever done. The possibility that I would possibly have to take a beating in the next few minutes drove me crazy.

My brothers music was still blasting through the house when my feet tapped against the marble steps of the staircase. I sighed deeply before walking away from the stairs, on my way to the backdoor, where I once again had to pass my dad's office.

But when I passed the door, my mother wasn't there. My eyebrows knitted together in confusion. I shifted my head to try and take a look through the kitchen to see if she was there, but I couldn't see the full room to determine if she was there or not.

I decided to just take my chances and just walk out. But ofcourse I got stopped on my way out. "You know," the shrilling voice of my mother called through the room, I winced as I stopped dead in my tracks. "When you were 5 years old you became friends with a pogue." She said, putting a bottle of red wine to her lips. "Her name was Lina." She continued.

I vaguely remembered the name but remembered the person. She moved away when her father landed a job on the mainland. "She always smelt like she just jumped out of a dumpster." My mom said in disgust. "I wanted to throw a party when she moved away. My daughter would finally go back to being friends with people who actually have class." She said, a muffled burp coming out of her lips. Class my ass.

"Shut up." I said, getting angry at the way she was talking.

"And now you're back to running around with those people." She said. "I actually though I fixed you." She said, I scoffed loudly.

"Fixed me?!" I repeated. "There's nothing to fix. Maybe this damn smell, but I'm fine."

"Oh please, you're a wreck." She yelled as she brought the bottle to her lips once again.

"And how did you think that happened." I yelled, throwing up my hands. "You're the wreck here, mom, and you're dragging me down with you." I said, my throat starting to feel sore with the mixture of tears and yelling.

The woman looked me in my eyes, scoffed once before taking another sip. "Are you serious right now?" I asked as I took a step closer. "I tell you you're throwing you life down the drain, and you know I'm right, and the only thing you do is drink more." I said in disbelieve and utter disgust. "You need help."

"I need my daughter to come home, and make things normal again." She said. I could have sworn I saw a tear roll down her cheek. Her voice was cracking but I told myself not to give in.

"And let me guess, give up on my friends."

"Ofcourse give up those damn friends, Jessica! They're not worth out time."

"Our time." I repeated in disbelieve. "Your time." I said wanting to turn around, but the second my feet turned, the bottle of wine hit the floor behind me. Small glass sharts spreading over the floor all the way to my feet halfway across the room. "What the hell is wrong with you?" I asked, shaking my head as my voice lowered.

"I raised an utter fool." She said, her voice low, matching mine. I nodded, my breath slightly hitching in my throat, I tried my best not to let the conversation get to me, but I couldn't help but feel hurt.

"Well, congratulations, you won't have to see her anymore." I said, backing away to the glass doors that led to the backyard.

I shook my head as I walked out, hearing her voice over the loud music coming from the house. The sound tucked at my head to turn around, just look at my old home one last time. But I didn't allow myself to give in to the urge and kept my head low until I reached my boat.

That's where I let the tears spill.


Lucky for me, my tears had dried once I reached the chateau. JJ was sitting on the dock, a cigarette between his fingers as he looked at the water. He stood up once he saw me coming and helped me tie the boat to the dock as I climbed out.

The blonde looked at me in anticipation mixed with concern. I nodded, showing him I was okay. At least that's what I thought. She might not have hurt me physically, but her words might have hurt me just as much as her fist did just a week ago, possibly even more.

It wasn't even that she called me some really bad names. But the way she spoke about me and my friends, it hurt me more than any fist ever could.

But, JJ let it go as he led me to the others. "You got the stuff?" John B asked, even though the answer was obvious with he backpack around my shoulder. But I still nodded.

"This is gonna be so cool." JJ said with a huge grin as he brought the cigarette to his lips. My lips turned upwards, matching his grin.

"And so illegal." Pope said, it wasn't that the fact this isn't something they're allowed to do by law was going to hold him back, but he still cared to let us know that if we got caught, we'd be screwed. But that's a good thing, Pope brings us back to earth when we loose our grip on reality.

"That's what makes it fun." I said as I let myself fall back on the couch next to him.

The sun was about to set, and the only thing we could talk about right now was tomorrow night, and what Sarah and Kiara are doing right now. "I bet they've killed each other right now." JJ said, sipping on his beer right after putting out the cigarette that was nearing its end.

"Sarah has at least been punched once." I said, my eyes traveling over the soft waves of the water. "Oh, and Sarah is as high as a kite if she happened to smoke." I added immediatly after. Sarah is a lightweight when it comes to alcohol, and given she has never smoked before, it will not be any different with smoking.

"You think she is smoking." John B asked, clearly thinking his girlfriend won't smoke.

"When she's on a boat with someone who hates her, no doubt." Pope commented. I nodded in agreement.

"I hope they make up though." John B said, quickly taking a sip of his beer.

"Yeah, me too." I said with a sigh as I ran my hand through my hair before rubbing my eyes.

"I don't know, that one fight they had here was kind of amusing." JJ joked, a smirk on his lips as we all turned to him. I rolled my eyes and gave him a shove, just hard enough to push him of the side of the couch he was sitting on.

He let out a loud laugh as he pushed himself on the couch next to me. Laying his arm on the back of the couch as our laughter died down. I sighed ones as my head rolled against his shoulder.

The four of us sat there is silence as the sun went down. Exchanging small words once in a while as the light around us slowly died down.

The beers in the cooler slowly disappeared as we casually drank them, a cloud of smoke hanging above us as different blunts and cigarettes were smoked, mostly by JJ, since Pope and John B didn't really smoke and I had only smoked once.

When the clock had reached midnight, I felt my body get tired. Pope had gone inside to sleep on the couch as John B occupied his bed. But I was already dozing off to move from the couch.

And if JJ was still with me, I would find out in the morning, because my mind was too foggy to feel him leave. Or maybe he just never did.


I really wrote Jessi's mom as a ducking bitch didn't I. Complaining? Hell no.

Anyway, don't forget to vote, maybe leave a comment and maybe follow since I don't have anything else to say :)

Don't be a ghost reader ♡
- me

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