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"Come on, girls, it's time to go."

It was the first thing I heard when I woke up that morning, I sat up with a groan, glancing next to me to see Sarah in the same state.

In the doorway stood Rose, a stressed look on her face. In her hands she held two bags with clothes sticking out of them.

"What?" I asked, my voice groggy as I struggled to keep my eyes open from the lack of sleep I got that night.

"Get up!" She yelled, in more of a hurry than before.

I was too tired to argue, so I got up and changed out of my pyjamas as fast as I could when my limbs felt like puddy. I kicked on my shoes and walked to Rose, who pushed Sarah and I out in the hallway in front of her, directing us to the front door. On the driveway was a black car with tinted windows.

Sarah silently got into the passengers seat as I climbed in the back, both of us too tired to notice Ward sitting in the drivers seat.

That was until he spoke up. "You two made the right choice." He said, my eyes widened.

"What's going on?" I asked, my voice back to normal in my state of panic.

"We're going to the Bahamas. You'll be safe there."

"Safe from what? Our friends?" I asked in disbelieve. My hand shot to the car door, I tried opening only to find it locked. Before I could tell Ward to let me out, he stepped on the gas pedal, sending me back in my seat.

Sarah looked over her shoulder, we exchanged worried glanced, but she nodded, as if telling me it was going to be okay.


My eyes were fixed on the landscape we drove by, until we reached a dock that looked like it was going to fall apart any second.

I clenched my jaw as I remembered the time JJ took me here, I was sceptical about the dock then too, but he proved it would hold the two of us for as long as we needed it to.

"Are you going to tell me where we're going, or not." I asked JJ who was driving my car to a location he seemed very excited about.

He took the blunt out from in between his lips, letting the smoke escape from them slowly before answering.

"Can't a boy take his girlfriend to his favorite place anymore? Do you not believe in romance?" He asked sarcastically.

"Oh, I believe in romance. I just didn't know JJ Maybank was the romantic type." I said nonchalantly as I grabbed the blunt from his finger and placed it between my lips.

"He's not, so don't expect some fancy candle lit dinner in the near future, gorgeous."

"And I prefer it that way." I said. I never was a big fan of fancy dinners or romantic gestures. If it is up to me, the perfect date is burgers and a movie.

"See, this is why we work. You don't like fancy shit, and I can't afford fancy shit." He said, grabbing the blunt from my lips and putting it back between his own before returning his hand to my thigh.

I blushed slightly, suddenly happy that it was the middle of the night.

Soon, the car came to a stop and JJ looked at me with a dumb smile. "We're here." He said, opening his door and getting out. I did the same and walked around the car the join him at his side.

He stood there waiting for me with his hand held out. I quickly grabbed it and entwined our fingers.

I turned to look in front of me, there, a few feet away, was an old and moldy dock. I cocked my head slightly, thinking about the fact that the dock was not going to hold our weight.

restricted ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now