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"Pope, we're not stealing the drone. We're borrowing it." John B said as he drove us towards the place where the car of Kie's parents was parked.

"Humans are the only animals that can't tell fantasy from reality." Pope said states.

"Oh so your saying my aunts dog is smarter than me." I joke hoping it'll ease Pope's stress level.

"Did you come up with that?" John B asked.

"Albert Bernstein came up with that, but it applies to this whole treasure-hunting thing." Pope said like it was obvious. Ofcourse I know who Albert Bernstein is, he is from... Honestly I have no clue who that is.

"So which is it?" Pope asked. "Fantasy or reality."

"Why are you so weird Pope." JJ said, why too relaxed for this whole situation as he was rolling a blunt.

"It's fantasy, but possible reality." Kie answers still sceptical about the situation.

"Reality." John B aswered, I admire the way he keeps his hopes up. Believing the thing no one else believes in because he loves his father so much, that takes some currage. Going against every other oppinion, some might call it denial, and it might be, it probably is, but I think it's brave. But when he founds out the truth about what happend, I'm afraid he'll snap.

"Both." I state as I fiddle with my bracelet. I just said both because I honestly couldn't tell you the answer, and what Kie said was closest to what I'd say was right.

"Virtual-reality." JJ said dead serious as he lit his lighter and brought it to the blunt between his lips, but was interupted by Pope who pulled it from in between his lips and threw it to the other side of the van.

"Keep the signal clear." Pope said as JJ flipped his lighter closer with a dissapointed look on his face.

No one said a thing until John B stopped the van and that was Kie's and mine cue to get out of the van and drive towards the salvage yard on our own.

"You know what your problem is?" JJ asked Pope.

"You?" Pope said nonchalantly making me chuckle slightly as I climbed out of the back of the van.

"No! It's that you need to relax, man. You're always so tense."

"Good luck with the two children back there." I wisper to John B as I joined Kie at the window.

He just smirked at my comment before he spoke up. "Don't worry. You two got this."

"It's not us that I'm worried about." Kie says as she backed up towards her parents' car.

"Got it."

"Just don't mess up." I tell him as I slowly backed away from the van and walked towards the passengers seat.

"Just keep the security distracted and we'll be fine." John B said.

I jumped into the passengers seat and looked at Kie smiling. This was the first exciting that happend in a long time and I honestly couldn't wait.

Kie and I joked around a little on our way to the salvage yard as we got a little closer every minute which I was glad about, I missed having her around.

When we got to the salvage yard me and Kie discussed the last few things of the plan, and waited for John B, Pope and JJ to be in position. When we saw them pull up, Kie walked up to the fence, I stayed back at the car leaning against the door. "Hello!" Kie yelled as she waved her arms trying to get the attention of the guard. "Excuse me?" She tried again. From here I could only faintly see the mans silhouette because of the sun reflecting on the window, but I saw him getting up. I saw them start up a conversation but I couldn't hear what they were saying since I was too far away. But when I saw the security guard look at me, I waved slightly and smiled.

The man walked back to his office and for a minute I thought the plan wasn't working, but the guard walked back towards the fence with something in his hand. And I knew the plan had worked.

I smiled at the guy as he walked towards the car. "Hi, thank you so much." I said to him trying to act as innocent as possible.

"It's just this back one right here." Kie explained. The bald man shot me a quick look up and down with a smirk and I had the sudden need to cover up and I felt really uncomfortable, this guy was actually giving me the creeps. And I get ice cream with two 'square groupers'. "I mean it must have been a slow leak or something."

"Probably just been sitting in the yard too long?" The man states.

"Yeah." Kie said with a smile before she looked at me, she saw I was uncomfortable and she shot me a look like she was asking me if I was okay. I just nodded and wrapped my arms around myself.

"Yeah, I got this." The man said.

"Thank you." Kie answered.

We stood there awkwardly for a second, Kie and I sharing some nervous looks. That was when a dog started barking really loud. the guy shot up. "Do you hear that."

"Hear what." Kie asked trying to act oblivious.

"I don't hear anything." I said backing her up.

"Tebow's got somethin'"

"Probably just a raccoon, maybe. You know? Nothing to worry about."

"Yeah." The man said shaking it off.

"I noticed the man was almost done fixing the tire, and I started to panick, I knew the guys needed more time. I saw that Kie had the same idea but I nodded to her quietly saying I was going to do it, so she could stay here and distract the guy. So I walked to the other side of the car and grabbed the first sharp object I could find. I found a piece of glass, and held it against the tire, The air was slowly running out, making a heck of a noice. I bit my lower lip hoping the guy wouldn't hear it, But when I found out he did it was already too late and next thing I know he stood next to me.

"What are you doing."

"I was just- checking the other tires, you know. This one uhm- looks a little low." I said shoving the piece of glass against the center of my palm and made a fist with my hand, hoping he won't see the glass. A small sting ran through my palm and I knew the glass cut my hand open but I tried the hide the feeling of warm flued slowly filling up the space left in my fist. I was forced to squeeze my hand tighter since I couldn't risk blood running from my hand, which only caused the glass cutting further in my palm. My hand was throbbing but I tried to hide hoping the guy didn't notice. But he already caught on and was about to run of. I immediatly dropped the glass when he was about 10 feet away and the glass stained with blood fell on the ground, small drops of flood fell around the piece of glass. I ran to the car trying to find anything to hold under my hand to stop the dripping. But found nothing so I just held my not injured hand under the other one and the small drops of blood fell from one hand to another.

"Wait! Shit." Kie cursed as she rushed back into the car. I struggled to open the door but when I did, I quickly climbed in Kie just now noticed the cut. "Whoa jess, what the hell happend."

"Ow nothing just some glass, now drive!" I said to her as I nodded towards the road and she immediatly drove off only hoping the guys made it out on time.


Hi nuggetssss!!!

Two updates in a day?? WHO AM I????

I'm actually so happy I'm able to write again and I know this one is a little short, but I figured this one would get really long if I would've added the other part so I just kept it this way and ended the chapter here. So I just wanna thank y'all again for reading, but please, please vote cause I need it. And also please comment and follow because I know that gives me motivation and that means I could update faster ;)

so That's it for now

love you all so much


stay safe <3

restricted ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now