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I must've stayed in that bathroom for a pretty long time because when I walked out, it was already dark outside. I spotted Kie and walked up to her. I needed to be around someone I actually know and like at the moment.

I wanted to talk her, keep my mind off of what happend, but before any words could leave my mouth, I saw JJ getting dragged out by security. "Ow my god, he just got out of jail." I mumbled, catching Kie's attention as she followed my gaze.

"Seriously JJ." Kie sighed as we stepped closer to where JJ was getting dragged out. Everyone in the party followed.

"It's okay everybody," JJ yelled, catching the attention of the last few people. "Do not panic, let's leave it to the men and women in uniform, huh!" He yelled. Followed by his clapping. "Rose, you look like lady liberty." He yelled, this might've been an unfortunate situation, but I couldn't help but to chuckle at his comment, Kie's mom poked me with her elbow, indicating that this was not to the time, so I bit my lower lip, holding in my laugh.

"Let go of him." Kie yelled, her parents shooting towards her. "You can't just boot him!"

"I invited him here." She continued, her parents were tugging at her arms, but she wouldn't budge. I saw someone standing next to me and I noticed a blue suit, which I knew belonged to Rafe.

"Heard you had quite the time with Alex?" He wispered, how could he bring that up now while someone is being dragged away from a party. I felt him stepping closer, lowering his head next to my ear. "Maybe you and I could meet up sometime?" He asked. A cold shiver went down my spine, making me extremely uncomfortable. I pushed him away slightly by his shoulder but he tried coming right back.

"Hey, Rafe, hands of my girl." JJ yelled, surprising me. I couldn't say I hated it, it just felt reallu real all of the sudden, but besides that I couldn't help but blush.

And it seemed to help for a bit, when Rafe stepped away, hands held high. "What would Topper say if he heard you are screwing JJ Maybank." He said, making me believe he wasn't fully finished.

"Go to hell." I wispered back not even bothering to turn around. "Topper can't tell me who I can and can not date, only I can, but I do have the feeling that Top will not like the way you're talking to me right now." I bit back. Again not turning around.

"Jessica Thornton, I didn't know you had such an attitude." He said smirking. This time, I simply rolled my eyes and stepped closer to Kie. JJ now pushed the guard towards a table, shocking everyone around.

Kie and I stepped forwards slightly. "Sorry about that!" JJ yelled jokingly towards the guard who was now laying on the ground. "Hey, mandatory power hour at Rixon's, Kie, Jess. Pope you as well, all right?" He said pointing towards us and then Pope. "Rixon's cove. Let's roll." He said, Pope walked away from his protesting dad. "All right, Kie, come on. Jessi, you gotta come babe." He yelled, grabbing he wrist above his head. "Workers of the world unite. Throw off your chains!" He finally yelled, almost in the complete dark. Kie walked away from her parents who were also protesting, Kie yelled a few sorry's as she ran off, dragging Pope fully away from his yelling dad.

And me, well I couldn't find my mom anywhere, so I could basically do what I want. So I started running towards JJ who had his arms wide open for me. That was when I heard my mom's high pitched voice break through the crowd. "Jessica!" She yelled, no respons, I just kept on running. "Jessica Thornton come here right now!" She yelled again, but once again... no answer. By now I had reached JJ, and the smell of weed took over the strong ocean smell. I jumped in his arms, immediatly making me feel safe. He spun me around a few times, and once I had a clear view of my mom, I held up my middle finger with a big smile on my face. JJ smiled at what I did and let out a few loud laughs, I simply smiled since I had never felt more free, with JJ's around my waist, I truly believed that I might have managed to escape the bubblewrap.

restricted ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now