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It surprised that JJ was on the boat, the pogues weren't with him, and the reason why was a mystery to me.

"Where are the other?" I decided to ask him since we weren't really on the way to any of their houses.

"Pope and Kie have work, and John B is off doing who knows what." JJ answered, as he ran his hand through his hair, his other hand on the steering wheel. I was sitting on the front of the boat. The temperture was rising fast so I took my shirt off fast enough, hoping I'll be able to catch a tan over the time I'd be hanging out with the blond.

Luckily the amount of make up did the trick on the bruises on my cheeks. Since JJ hasn't asked about them yet. I assumed they weren't noticable.

For a few minutes, no words were spoken, it wasn't uncomfortable, it was easy. But than JJ decided to speak up about what happend after they left yesterday.

"How did it go with your uncle yesterday." He asked.

"Well, I had to come up with an excuse, but luckily they bought it and brought me home. I don't think they saw your faces clear enough."

"What did you say you were doing there." He asked with a smirk, wanting to know every single detail about what happend.

"I told them I was visiting my dad... He was burried there." I answer letting my head drop to the ground slightly, avoiding his eyes.

His smirk immediatly dropped. I noticed he stopped the boat, I heard his footsteps come closer, I knew he was standing beside me when the sun wasn't warming my skin anymore. His body blocking any sunlight from hitting my body. Even though the sun wasn't warming me up anymore. I somehow got a warmer feeling. not my skin this time, but I felt like my insides were warming themselves up.

I met his eyes when he sat down on the side of the boat next to me. "You okay?" he simply asked, as he playfully bumped his shoulder against mine.

I knew the question was serious, but the shoulderbump made the situation way less serious to me, and a small smile formed on my lips. "I'm good, really I am. It has been a long time." I answered. It might sound as a lie. But it wasn't I actually am fine. It has been a long time since he died. And yes I miss him, so much, but the pain has gotten less over time. And right now, It's easier to handle than it's ever been. Even though this was the first time I ever talked about him in about 6 months. But right now, I feel better than I've ever felt in a long time.

I met his eyes, and just now I realised how close he was sitting to me. His eyecolor was now more noticable than ever, even though the sun blocked half of my vision, and I had to squint my eyes slightly. I never noticed the bright color of his eyes until now.

For a second I couldn't focus on anything until I realised what was happening and I quickly turned away. It was awkward for second, but when JJ pulled his shoes from his feet, and jumped in the cold water. A smile immediatly formed on my lips. I pulled down my shorts and kicked off my slip-on vans and jumped in after him. The cold water felt like an icecube against my bare skin for a few second, but it was refreshing. When I resurfaced, JJ had a smile on his face. He stared at me for a second as I pushed my hair away from my face. Breaking him out his trance by splashing water in his face. He immediatly snapped out of trance and shook his head, before splashing me with water. I chuckled as I rubbed the water out my eyes. That was when an idea popped into my head, and I faked having something in my eyes. His smile dropped into a caring gaze, and swam closer to see what was in my eye. When he was close enough and his finger brushed against his cheek, I splashed him again. More water hit his face this time, and a playfull grin formed on his face.

"Oh, now it's on." He said before grabbing my waste and pulling me under with him. When we both resurfaced, we both chuckled. His arm was still around my waste, and the last thing I wanted him to do was remove it. And apparently he had the same idea since he kept his arm wrapped around my waste, holding me close. I again pushed my eyes from my face and rubbed my eyes slightly. When I opened my eyes, the idea of kissing him immediatly popped in my head since his eyes were locked with mine.

"JJ, can I ask you something." I asked, my eyes still locked with his.

"Shoot." He quickly said.

"Why did you ask me to come today." I asked, slightly eager to know why he came to my house this morning.

Clearly he didn't know why he showed up since he didn't answer the question at first.

"I don't know." He simply answered comfirming my assumptions. I wasn't sure if that was the answer I was hoping for. I didn't even know why what I was hoping for. I didn't even know why I even came with him.

Suddenly his eyes were filled with confusion. At first I wondered why but then, when he brought his hand to my cheek, and softly rubbed it, I knew that the waterproof make-up clearly wasn't as waterproof as the bottle said. The bruises were probably really noticable now that most of the make-up has washed off.

"Jessi, what is this.. wh- what happend." He said, slightly stumbling over his words.

I slightly panicked, I couldn't say what actually happend. So I got out of his grip and covered the bruis with my hand, like that helped, and swam back towards the boat. "It's nothing... I just- I fell." I lied.

JJ followed me onto the boat, and pulled my hand away from my cheek. "You can't fall on both cheeks at the same time jess." He said. I know he was serious but the comment sounded a little joked. "Did your uncle do this to you." He asked. Assuming the guy who pratically raised me alongside my father did this. It offended me a little, they didn't know Ratter and uncle Cruz like I did, they know them as square grouper who can only do things wrong. While I knew them as the two guys who'd pick me up from school and took me for ice cream.

"Ofcourse not. He'd never do that." I said, I saw him hesitate for a second since they shot at them. "Not to me..." I added. I turned around and sat on the front of the boat, letting my bathing suit dry a little before putting my clothes back on. JJ sighed as he turned on his heels and walked towards the steering wheel. I knew he wouldn't let this go, and ask me about it again. But for now, I wasn't going to answer him.

He started the engine and drove further. I thought he was going to take me home, but when I noticed we were nearing the touron part of the Outerbanks, it was clear he wasn't going to take me home just yet.

"What are we doing here JJ." I asked as he drove towards a random dock.

"Wanna make fun of souvenirs." He asked. I slightly chuckled before pulling on my shirt and short. JJ had clearly done his research since making fun of souvenirs was one of my favorite things to do. Next to pissing of Topper. And making fun of souvenirs with JJ, who happend to be Topper mortal enemy, made this day the highlight of the summer.

When JJ jumped of the boat, he held his hand out for me to take. And I gladly took it, as he helped me out of the boat. The awkwards moment from before totally vanishing from our memory. At least from mine, JJ clearly was worried about what happend but I ignored his sideglares, his eyes always stuck to the bruise before he looked back forward.

We walked towards the touron filled streets, my hand still in his. A few blondes stared at JJ, making me believe they knew him for some reason. Their eyes lingered on JJ but shot me nasty looks. giving me and idea how the girls knew him. And I'm not gonna lie it made me really uncomfortable.


Hey loves,

I'm leaving for vacation in two days, and tommorow I will probably be pretty filled with packing, so this might me the last time you'll from me in the next 3 weeks. If I'll be able wright some, I'll update as soon as possible but you guys may have to wait for 3 weeks. And I'd like to apoligise for that on beforehand. So I'm sorry if I won't update for long but at least now you know the reason


stay safe

restricted ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now