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After JJ got arrested, I immediatly ran to my car. I had to get to that police station as fast as possible. So I left Kie and a still in shock Pope behind at Heywards and drove to the station.

About 15 minutes later, I got to the station. I ran as fast as I could, when I entered my head snapped from left to right multiple times, hoping to find JJ or Shoupe at least, but instead I found my mother, who was filling in some files. My blood started boiling at just the simple sight of the classical picture perfect women sitting on the chair next to a desk in a police station.

She looked up for a second, only for her eyes to immediatly land on me. She smiled sweetly, what she always did in public, but her nasty persona was more than obvious through her fake smile. To me at least.

"Jessica, may I ask what you are doing here. You should be helping with the preparations for midsummers." She asked in a high pitched voice, the people around us heard her, and looked at the women in admiration, while my gaze was filled with hatred.

"You had to press charges." I hissed, as I stalked towards her. I didn't want anyone listening in on my conversation.

"Jessica, you know I had to. That boy is a criminal, and if he doesn't get punished, he will never learn." She answered. Why does she have to start her every sentence with my name.

"So you're telling me you had my friend arrested out of the kindness of you heart." I said as I stopped walking since I was about 5 feet away from her.

"Yes, Jessica, that's why I did it. You friend needed the help. He was raised by the wrong person. And if he doesn't learn now, he'll only continue down this road." Again, why does she have to start her sentence with my name. Her explanation was so fake, I could basically hear her nasty words cut through the act she is putting on. 'The boy got what he deserved, hell I should get all those pogues arrested, little rats, that's what they are. They'll never live up to the expectations of the civil world.' Her voice echoed through my scull, making me cringe. The way it sounded to real, when she had never even said those exact words.

"Go home Jessica, really. You have no business here." She said, smiling and nodding, smiling and nodding, only smiling and nodding, always smiling and nodding. It's making me sick to my stomach to see my mother this way, to everyone else she is just a happy women, with a perfect family. But to me, she is this nasty women, the women who hit me multiple times a few weeks ago. The women who tries to control my every move, to the point where I honestly believe that when she wants me to stop moving, I will stop moving, even if I protest with every muscle in my body. The women before me, treats me like her own little voodoo doll. And that's no women I want my mother to be.

"You know what mom-" I wanted to lash out at her, I really did. But I can't say I wasn't relieved when sherrif Peterkin interupted us. I hoped that it was about JJ but turns out it was about something entirely different.

Me and my mom were seated in Peterkins office, I wasn't supposed to be there, but because I was already station, they'd let me come with. If only I knew what this was about.

"So, I have some news, and it isn't good news. It is about Cruz and Ratter." That made me sit up straight, the last time I'd went to visit they weren't home and they aren't accepting my calls, of answering my texts. "The two were found a few days ago, in the water. Dead..." Peterkin explained. And I immediatly fell back in my chair, blocking all of her other words.

My uncle was dead, my only father figure was dead.


The conversation with Peterkin, went by slow and felt like hours, but when I checked the time. I saw that only 10 minutes had passed. Peterkin dismissed us, but my mom said she wanted to stay back and talk to Peterkin about something so I went out on my own. I closed the door behind as I wobbled on my knees, tears started to prickle in my eyes, but I blinked them away. I looked at my right where a row of cells was, and JJ popped up in my head. I told myself I would have to hold my tears in for just a little longer as I strode along the rows of cells, looking for the blonde.

When I reached the second to last one, I saw JJ sitting on the bench with his head leant back, pointing his eyes to the ceiling, a proud smirk on his face. I wrapped my fingers around the bars and wispered his name, knowing I shouldn't be here. He looked down at me and his eyes widened as he stood up and walked towards the bars. He had put his hands over mine on the bars and little sparks went flying up my arms, and my heart was racing... not the time

"Jess, what are you doing here." JJ said, sounding concerned, while he was the one in jail.

"I came down here to get you out, but then my mom was here, and peterkin, and whatever I'll tell you later. For now, what the hell are you doing! Getting yourself locked up." I said, talking really fast. Shifting on my two feet.

"It's okay, I'll be out here very soon. They called my dad..." he said in a low voice, sounding upset. But that's a good thing right, his dad is going to take him home. Why does that seem like a bad thing to him.

"Is that a bad thing, or does your face always look like that when you're happy." I asked sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood even if it was just a little bit.

"See, jess, I've never told you this, but my dad isn't exactly what you call a good person. He's an ass, and if he didn't hate me already, he sure definitely hates me now." JJ said looking somewhere off in the distance.

"JJ don't say th-" I protested, not knowing who his dad was.

"You don't know him, okay."

"No I don't and you know why that is JJ, it is because you never told me. You know about my mom, you know all about my family, but I know nothing about yours. Nothing." I snapped, I shouldn't have, but I did. When I realised I absolutly knew nothing about him.

"Fine, okay, yeah you know what. I'll tell you everything once I get but right now I need to tell you something about your family, okay. Your u-" JJ started, but I already knew what he was going to say, and I didn't want to hear it again.

"I know, Peterkin just told me."

"Look, Jess, I'm so sorry." He said, with a voice filled with concern, something I don't like to hear.

"Don't, I know you never liked them." I said, knowing JJ only ever saw them as squaregroupers.

"Stop Jess. I might've never liked them, b- but I like you, a- and I care about you. A lot." He said, stuttering. And the fast beating of my heart, that I was able to control and ignore just seconds ago, was now unavoidable. I knew I liked him, and I mean like more than friends, but did he mean it as more as friends too.

"I-" I tried getting out a full sentence, but I was unable to even form one word. And when I finally felt like I got enough courage, some officer stood in the middle of the hallway. Yelling at me for being there. "Shit!" I said as I started backing away, slipping my hands away from JJ's, where it immediatly felt like something was missing. I shot JJ one last look, before I ran of the backdoor of the station. To my surprise the officer followed me, I ran as fast as could and once I got outside. I hid behind a truck that was parked just a little further. I heard the officer through the door. But soon enough I heard the squeeky door open once again and heard the officer mumble one last thing before the door closed.




I got like 5 minutes further in the episode with this chapter but I like it.

Did JJ just confess his feelings for Jess or am I dreaming.... I'm actuallu really excited for them!!!

Thank you for all the love this is amazing. Almost 17K reads!!!!!!

Please comment, vote and follow and I'll see you next time

Me <3

restricted ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now