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"Y-your dad's." John B said stepping forward.

"I-it got lost after my dad died." I said with a shaky voice. My breath caught in my throat every ten seconds. JJ tried to pull me closer, to offer me some sort of comfort. But I needed air so I put my hand on his chest, pushing him away slightly as I shook my head. "Just, give me a minute." I said as I brushed passed him, outside onto the dock.

My cheeks were turning cold from the wind blowing onto my tear stained cheeks. For a second I had the urge to judt throw the necklace in the water and forget this ever happend, that my father wasn't somehow connected to all this. But when I looked at the necklace, every single memory came back. Every memory of when my mother was still happy, when we used to go on family trips and go to amusement parks with the entire family for a few days. Eating ice cream with my dad, uncle Cruz and Ratter.

I sat there for a little when Kie came to get me. It was time to leave, it was time to find the gold. I quickly wiped my tears away and stuffed the necklace deep in my pocket. I put on my sunglasses to hide my puffy eyes and walked over to Kie, who had a sympathetic smile on her face. I just fake smiled back pretending like the last hour never happend. We waited for the boys to come along before we got onto the boat and drove to the spot where the royal is suposed to be.

JJ kept shooting me concerned looks from where he was standing. I was sitting on the side of the boat, trying to shut out any thoughts, which was really hard since I was sitting alone, and I did just find out I got myself into something that my dad is apparently involved in. The only thing I did this summer is this treasure hunt, it was the thing that kept my mind off of my dad, and now... it only reminds me of him, it makes me wonder if I should continue this treasure hunt, or just go back to my save bubblewrap.

The wind started to pick up, and the clouds ahead started to darken. Which got me even more nervous since the only thing that creeps me out more than snakes, are thunderstorms. And we were on the water. And what started this whole mess. A guy, on a boat, in a thunderstorm. And he ended up dead. Great...

My knee was now bouncing up and down fast, I put my hand on it so it wouls stop, so I wouldn't seem so nervous. But I know they noticed, but no one said anything about it.

"All right, JJ. Pin it here." John B yelled to his best friend. Who followed his directions and slowed down the boat.

"Roger that! X marks the spot." He said putting the boat to a complete stop.

"All right, ladies and gentlemen." John B said as he was about to put the drone in the water. "To going full kook."

"Let's do it." I said standing up, catching everyone off guard as they didn't believe I'd move from where I was sitting. But I wasn't going to do nothing like some spoiled brat, and then eventually claim my part of the money like I did something to help. Besides it might make me think about something else. It might clear up my doubts of this whole thing. It might make me realise that is what I'm supposed to be doing this summer, and that I shouldn't go back to bubblewrap.

John B lowered the drone in the water as we all stood around him. Kie was letting the drone go deeper as Pope controlled it. John B was looking over his shoulder and I was standing next to Kie in case she needed help.

"All right JJ, we're right over it. Ten seconds northwest." John B said giving JJ directions.

"Got it, ten seconds northwest." JJ answered turning around.

"100 feet." Kie said after a bit. I wrote a single line on the side of the boat with chalk, just a reminder of how deep we are.

Pope suddenly gasped which caused John B to jolt up from his seat. "What? What, what, what, what?" I immediatly joined his side, but was dissapointed that there wasn't anything on screen.

restricted ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now