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"Welcome to crackhead wasteland." Sarah commented once we got to the house that belonged to the drug dealer, Barry.

"I don't know about this, man." Pope said, and I had to agree with him.

"This is your worst idea yet." I said, mostly at JJ, who was driving. I know he is mad, but raiding the house of a drug dealer... that's next level suicide mission.

"Dude, why are we at Barry's?" Pope asked, matching my concern exactly. JJ was acting out and when he did, it was never good.

"This'll only take a second." JJ said once he had stopped the van next to the front door. His expression seemed just as, maybe more, angry than before.

"This?" I asked, repeated his words as I stuck my head out to the window once he had stepped out, Eye-to-eye the blonde that I got to call my boyfriend, my sometimes incredibly stupid boyfriend. "What's this? What are you gonna do?" I asked, following his eyes as he walked around the van.

"Yo soy justicia, gorgeous." He said, not turning his head as he kept walking forward, determination in his steps.

"Did you glean anything from that?" Pope asked, as we all stared at the front door of the house through the door of the van.

"You know somebody should probably-" Kie started, but stopped when she saw John B open the door, I figured it might be better for just John B to go inside. John B and JJ has been best friends for a while, I've not been friends with these guys for that long, I figured this would be best.

"Yeah, I got it." John B said, stumbling out of the van to the half rotten front door.

"You're not going?" Sarah asked when she saw I was not getting up.

"If they're not back in 5 minutes... than I'll join them." I said, but after a few minutes of cringing at some of the loud noises, I gave up. "Screw it!" I yelled under my breath, pushing myself up from the bench in the van.

I pushed through the front door, the strong smell of weed and mold filled my nose the second I entered the house.

I got to the kitchen, where John B was stood alone. "Where's-" I started, but stopped when John B pointed at a door. I nodded, going to stand next to John B as we waited for JJ to come back.

"All right, took care of business." JJ said as he walked to the kitchen, a duffle bag in his hands. He seemed to stop for just a second once he saw I was also in the kitchen, but he quickly walked further.

I stepped in his way, I glanced down to the bag, which was filled with money. I looked up at him, shock showing in his eyes.

"What did you-" I started once again, but JJ immediatly started talking.

"Think about it, Jess. With this, you won't have to go home if you need anything, we can just buy it. Well, for a little while at least." He said with a lopsided smile, trying to make me see the good side of stealing from a drug dealer, but the cons overshadowed the single pro way to much.

"I can handle my mom..." I said, knowing that wasn't entirely true, even though I'm getting better at it.

"You don't have to with this." He said, shaking the bag in his hands. I kept looking at him, hesitation in my eyes. I knew that this wasn't a good idea, but I was trying to see his side of this. But I simply couldn't figure it out.

When JJ saw my face wasn't changing, he brushed past me, leaving me staring at the wall, only moving to lean against the kitchen counter.

"Hey, look at me!" John B said, trying to stop JJ himself. "If you keep going down this road, you're gonna end up just like your dad." John B said, I still didn't know what was going on, simply because JJ never told me.

restricted ~ JJ MaybankWhere stories live. Discover now