━ sixteen

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"HELLO, STUDENTS OF HOGWARTS, Maddie Snape here as your commentator for the last quidditch game of nineteen seventy-six, since my leg has been unfortunately broken," Maddilyn Snape says to the crowd. "Introducing the one, the only Slytherin Team, with the most talented Regulus Black as Captain and seeker, Austin Avery and my replacement Rabastan Lestrange as Beaters, and our wonderful Chasers, Lucius Malfoy, Addison Johnson and Leo Reese. And last but certainly not least, Slytherin's Keeper, Garth Goyle.

Maddie lets the crowd cheer for the Slytherin team as they fly out before she starts speaking again. 

"And the Gryffindork-"

"Miss Snape!" Professor McGonagall scolds.

"Sorry Professor," Maddie says apologetically. "The Gryffindor  Team with the boy who finally got Lily Evans to agree to a date, Captain James Potter as Chaser, along with Frank Longbottom, and Olive Wood.  Mary Moon as Seeker, Sirius, who is not so serious at all, Black and Marlene McKinnon as Beaters, and Hallie Dagsworth as Keeper." 

"Madam Hooch has started the game and unfortunately, Potter has managed to grab the quaffle," Maddie says. 

"Snape! Keep your bias to yourself. Commentators are supposed to be unbiased," Professor McGonagall exclaims. 

Maddie completely ignored Professor McGonagall as she continued to narrate the game "Malfoy steals the quaffle from Potter! And a bludger is sent towards Malfoy, but the talented Lestrange, whom has my seal of approval to play my position, blocks it and sends the bludger to the unserious Black," Maddie says

"Wow, Maddie! So honored," Rabastan Lestrange yelled out, smiling at her words. 

"Snape," Professor McGonagall says, sighing at the Slytherin's antics. 

"And the first points of the game goes to the amazing and wonderful house of Slytherin!" Maddie says. "Wood passes the quaffle to Potter, who goes to Longbottom, but stolen by Nott, who passes to Reese who scores another ten points for the house of Slytherin!" 

"Dagsworth, pretty talentedly I must add, has blocked Slytherin shot by the newest recruit, Addison Johnson. I wouldn't be surprised if the two end up on the Harpies together," Maddie commentated. 

Professor McGonagall takes her glasses off and sighs heavily. 

"And the Gryffindorks score, making it a ten-ten game!" Maddie announces, ignoring the disapproving glare of the Gryffindors. 

"Avery takes down Mary Moon, Gryffindork's Seeker, who is out of the game!" Maddie announces. "Gryffindor sends in their reserve, Eleanor Diggory, a second year. Come on! Slytherin needs more of a challenge then a second year!" 

"Snape," McGonagall sighs, sitting down. "Just announce what's happening."

"Will do, Minnie," Maddie said, smirking slightly. 

"Avery sends the bludger spiraling at McKinnon, while Malfoy is flying with the quaffle towards Dagsworth. Amazingly, Dagsworth is able to block the shot! McKinnon passes the bludger to the totally serious Black, who sends it hurtling at Lestrange. Regulus Black has spotted the Snitch, Diggory hot on his heels, though it's obvious Black is going to get it." 


"Lestange sends the bludger, aiming for Sirius Black," Maddie says absentmindedly, paying attention to Regulus and Eleanor's race for the snitch. 

Maddie's whole world stops as she sees Sirius unable to block the hit, sending him falling down. 

"Sirius Black is falling and Regulus Black veers away from the snitch, following him down," Maddie announces, hoping that Regulus manages to save him. "Diggory seems to have lost the Snitch." 

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