Chapter Eleven- Misjudging The Drink

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I got this chapter done a lot sooner then I thought! :)

Pic of Cat :)

Dedicated to thewanderess Check out thewanderess stories also!

Also dedicated to wolfgirl356 for voting and reading!


******Restricted 18+ ***********


(Where last chapter left off)

Chapter Eleven

"Need a refill Cat?" Kathy asked.

I sat my now empty glass down, savoring the cold water I had just drank.

"No." I shook my head, she went to serve other customers.

I kept my body stance calm, making myself not seemed bother with Ryan staring at me.

"How long have you, well what you just done." His face blank with a hint of wonder.

I shrugged, "I don't keep count of my days much."

"You live day by day." Ryan noted.

"Yup." I said bored with this conversation.

Speaking Out Loud began to play through the speakers in the bar. No one else dared sing after me, which happened most of the time. There still is those snotty women who think they can do better then me, but in reality they sound like dying pigs.

"Come with me." Ryan said.

I wrinkled my nose, he was still trying to order me around.

"No." I said flatly.

He frowned, "Why?"

I laughed at him. He seriously thinks I'm going to go with him? I don't think so.

"We had a deal, remember?" I was getting bored by the second.

"That was a shitty deal." His eyes narrowed, his voice showing his annoyance towards me.

I shrugged, "I don't care. We made a deal, I won. End of discussion."

Ryan rolled his eyes at me.

***Back in Cats Condo***

I sighed relived to be home. I removed my heels while unlocking the door. But what I came to see made me want to vomit. There with her wild brown hair was Lacey completely naked. Bouncing on some guy in the living room, on my couch!

I use my hand as a shield to cover my eyes and ran like hell with my heels in my free hand, to my bedroom. I slammed the door and locked it. I leaned against my door sighing. Not sure wether they noticed me at all.

I'm going to kill Lacey after I burn that couch! I thought to myself.

I shook the scene out of my head I had witness moments ago. I stripped out of my clothes and went to bathe. I looked at myself in the mirror while I left my hot bubble bath fill in the tub.

My hair was just as I had fixed it. Some stray hairs flying around. My brown eyes were dim from the events that had taken place tonight.

"Please tell me your banging that?!" Kathy whispered.

I'm not sure why she was whispering. Ryan excused himself to go to the restroom minutes ago. To many drinks of Kathy's new creation no doubt is why he had went to the bathroom three times in the last thirty minutes.

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