Chapter Nineteen- Learning The Truth

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Dedicated to rjholybee for voting and commenting! Thanks so much :) CHECK OUT RJHOLYBEE'S STORIES

(This chapter doesn't pick up where last one left off)


Chapter Nineteen

Breathless, I laid next to Ryan. My insides still on a humming high of the sèx we just had. It was now late in the night, eight o'clock. My chest rose and fell rapidly to the beat of my heart. I've never had such raw hard core sèx in my life before.

I knew I should feel a little shameful after being with Robert one night and now Ryan, but I don't. If I should feel any shame about anything it would be things involving my victims.

"Do you need anything?" Ryan grumbled tiredly.

"I'll get us something to drink." I crawled off the bed and slipped a robe on.

"Nice sex hair." Lacey giggled causing me to scream in surprise when I entered the kitchen.

"What the hell Lacey?!" I yelled.

"Cat are you alright?" Ryan came in with nothing but his boxers.

"I'm fine, Lacey just scared me." I replied, grabbing two glasses from the cabinet.

Lacey whistled at Ryan, his back towards us as he walked back to my room. The evident of my nails, a pink sore color bouncing off of Ryan's tan back.

"Nice." Lacey winked causing me to blush.

"Shut up." I sighed.

"Friends, huh? I need a friend like Ryan." Lacey wiggled her brows.

I rolled my eyes and grabbed a bottle of wine and the two glasses, gathering it to take it back to my room.

"Can I be a friend to Ryan too?" Lacey grinned mischievously.

An ugly snort came from my mouth, "I don't share Lacey."

With that said, I entered my room with Ryan laying on the bed. I eyed him, taking in his delicious abs. Remembering my tongue tracing the outline of the deep v next to his hips. A shudder erupted from me, I crawled up in bed very care not to break the glasses.

Ryan's eyes watched my movements, sitting up I could see his muscles flex.

"Red wine?" Ryan smiled softly.

I shrugged, "Yeah."

We drank our second glass of wine. My head buzzing from the amount of alcohol. Ryan brushed his hand against my thigh, a warm feeling tingling on my skin. His touch drove me mad, I hated it and loved it at the same time.

My phone began to ring making us pull away instantly.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Catalina?" Alesha replied.

"Yes?" I lifted myself up to a sitting position fully concentrated of my phone call.

"I need you down at the station. I'll pick you up. I need to explain some information we've learned to you." Alesha explained.

"Okay." I responded then hung up.

"Is everything alright?" Ryan eyed me.

I nodded, "Yes. I have somewhere I have to go."

"Now?" He frowned.

I nodded again, "Yes."

He kept his frown and stood up. I followed his actions and quickly grabbed a pair of jeans, a black T-shirt, bra and panties. Both of us dressed with out saying a word.

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