Chapter Seventeen Part One- S.W.A.T Joins With Cuffs

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Chapter 17 will be broken into two parts. This is part one.


Chapter Seventeen Part One

"I'm so sorry." Robert put his face in his hands.

I stayed standing where I was, making no attempt to move. My scalp lessened from its pain as I massaged it.

"I don't want you to think I'm some monster." Robert dropped his hands from his face, placing them beside his lap.

I shifted my feet not answering him, because that was exactly what I was thinking.

"I'm not just a dominant, I switch. I can be a dominant or I can be a sub, or a slave." Robert explained continuing, "We can vanilla sèx with both of us as equals or you can be in charge."

I starred at him, "Why would you let me be in charge?"

"Simple," He aswered, "Because I don't want you to think of me as a lunatic. I like being in control but I also like giving control to someone else just as much. Some times you just need to loose control in life so you don't take advantage of when you do have it. It's like therapy for me, a stress reliever in a sorts. A way for me to let everything wrong in my life go."

I nodded taking in fully what he meant. I thought about what he was just about to do to me, how I was scared. I wanted to show him I'm not weak, prove to him I'm not a scared little girl like I used to be back when... I banished the thought, refusing to finish it.

"Would you let me use these?" I asked as I walked to the wall where toys and various of foreplay items hung.

"Yes, on some conditions." He said serious.

"And that is?" I asked.

"Don't draw any blood. No urine or any other body fluids are to be involved except the usual during sèx." He said.

I was stunned, did he actually think I'd do something with body fluids to him? Is some people in BDSM into that kind of stuff? Well I for one am not so I don't care what others are into.

"Deal." My voice confident.

"And don't try doing anything with my arse." His face stayed serious.

"I wouldn't even dare." I said truthfully.

He nodded, "Go ahead."

He signaled for me to take charge. I closed my eyes, letting this new feeling of power to completely to wash into me.

"Strip." I commanded.

Robert quickly obeyed, stripping out of his clothing. He let them fall to the floor in a pile.

"Lay down on the bed." I quickly ordered.

He followed my demand, I grew excited with this new power. I looked over the wall, trying to find something I wanted to use. Handcuffs were familiar to me so I decided on those. I grabbed four pairs of handcuffs, walking back over to a naked Robert. I looked at him, showing him what I chosen.

"Is these...?" I mumbled.

"There fine." He swallowed.

I acknowledged his reply and cuffed his hands to the black metal head board. I then eyed his legs but decided not to restrain them. I put the extra handcuffs on the night stand. I eyed Robert, his face nervous and anxious. I put a blind fold over his eyes so he couldn't see.

Robert cleared his throat, "Mistress I don't think-"

"Silence!" I yelled relishing in my new found power.

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