Chapter Three- When The Stranger Ruins My Fun

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Chapter Three

"So Cat what can I get you tonight?" Kathy asked.

I am currently in Diamonds Shot bar, drinking away some of my hard earned cash. Plus the pity I feel for Lacey and her hopeless love story with Scott. More like nonexistent love story.

"Give me your speciality. Three cubes of ice." I told her turning to scan the room.

There was many couples here tonight. Which wasn't bazaar for this place. Many couples came here to have dates. Groups of men and women crowding together, throwing back shots one after another. I on the other hand was drinking slowly, in case I found another victim. Which to my luck, I seen one man that struck my interests.

More like my bank account.

"Here you go." Kathy handed me my shot.

I thanked her and turned it upwards, placing the empty glass on the bar. I picked my clutch off the bar counter and stood. I pulled my cotton dress down a little on my thighs. I seduced my victim with my eyes. He swallowed hard, his hazel eyes starring at my bare legs. I swayed my hips and licked my lips. He picked up his glass of beer and took a long drink.

"Hey there." I purred.

"Hi." My victim squealed.

"What's your name cutie?" I giggled.

"George." He replied, gulping.

"George of the jungle." I giggled like a dumb school girl.

I slid into the booth, sitting next to him. I made sure to sit as close as possible to him. My arm brushing his, causing him to shiver. I realized this man was very shy. He probably never had any female attention. Well, what I would think from the way he was acting. Might even be a virgin for all I knew.

I did doubt my thoughts since he was a attractive man. His hair light shade brown. George was skinny, but not from working out. I could tell he had money by his Rolex and other jewelry men wore. A grey short sleeve shirt and dark blue jeans. He was dressed to impress, but his downfall was his shyness.

"What is your" He stuttered.

George had sweat forming on his forehead.

This guy is a nervous little fûcker.

"Cindy." I lied easily.

The bartenders, well the female bartenders knew my real name. The male bartenders didn't. The females knew I liked my privacy. Good thing is there were only two female bartenders that worked at Diamonds Shot. Both of them being good friends of mine if push came to shove.

"Nice to meet you Cindy." George held out a hand.

I did my damn hardest to hold back an eye roll. I pushed his hand down, putting his palm against my naked thigh. George tensed up, his eyes widening at the look of his hand on my leg.

He's not going to be much of a challenge. I thought to myself disappointed.

"What do you say we get out of here. You rent us a room and we could get to know each other." I said then slowly edging an olive into my mouth from the drink I had ordered.

He swallowed, "Umm..."

Before he could answer me someone rudely interrupted us. I glared at the voice shocking to see a very handsome man. I completely forgot George and was struck on the man looking at me.

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