Chapter Fourteen- Another To Add

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Pic of Brandon (Laila's husband and cats brother in law) casted to Jesse Williams.

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Chapter Fourteen

"So who is your friend Catalina?" Laila asked when I was sitting once more beside her.

"A friend." I shrugged uncomfortable.

Where is Brandon? Where is he?

"So friends grab onto friends arms forcefully?" Laila remarked a raging glimmer in her eyes.

I sighed, "Laila please, I'm sure your husband is kindly taking care of my friends discretions."

She giggled, "Oh sister I'm sure."

We sat in silence, impatiently waiting for Brandon to appear. What could he possibly be talking over with Ryan for so long. I glanced down at my phone at the time. It has been longer then twelve minutes since I came inside, leaving them to talk. Where the hell is he?

Another ten minutes pasted by, I was ready to go in search for them. Brandon walked in with a calm composure. I stood my eyes burning into Brandon for information. Brandon nodded then sent me a wink.

I took my seat again sighing relieved, knowing he took care of him. Brandon seated himself down smiling to Laila. He whispered in her ear, causing her eyes to grow big. Then she smirked and kissed Brandon's cheek lovingly. I frowned watching them interact with one another.

Usually when Brandon takes care of any male over me, he comes back explaining what happened. Ending with us three laughing our asses off for awhile. Now, in this moment he said nothing what he had done to Ryan. I didn't like the fact he was sharing nothing with me.

"Waiter can we order desert?" Laila smiled.

The waiter walked off with our orders sloppy written.

"May I join you?" Ryan asked.

My anger burned within me. I seen nothing but red.

Ryan's POV

"Yes Alesha I have added another security member. This one won't be expected since he is family after all." I spoke onto my cell phone.

"He is family after all Mr. Sayers. What makes you think he'll keep this a secret?" Alesha asked enlightened.

I thought about the question way before Alesha had asked. I questioned everything about Brandon, wether he would keep this a secret. Cat would never expect Brandon to be playing apart in all this. When I asked Brandon what would stop him after our decision he wouldn't run to Cat and spill everything Ryan had told him.

'Because Ryan,' Brandon has started "I care more about her safety then her anger with me. Hell, I'm used to her being pissed off at me including her sister. I'm scared enough men that showed interests in her for years now and being hit with Cats anger. Her rage never affects me, because she simply moves forward trusting mine and her sisters judgment."

Ryan was satisfied with Cats military brother in law. He would make a great asset to his plan.

I informed Alesha of Brandon's intensions, both of us happy with our new strategy. I hung up taking Brandon's offer into account. I would dine with them for a sweeting appetizer. Then Brandon and Laila would eat, quickly taking their departure after Cat warmed up some to me.

"May I join you?" I asked.

Cats eyes flared at the sight of me, her body ready to strike me.

"Yes." Laila sent Cat a glare, one Cat returned with much more fierce.

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