Chapter Two- Where I Pitch Lies

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*****RESTRICTED!!!! 18+ ******

Chapter Two

I had learned MrTattoo18, name is Jay, short for James. He was twenty four, divorced, three kids, and worked at some factory. He lived with his ex wife because his kids didn't understand divorce yet. They apparently aren't the ages to know they're parents are not together or shouldn't be still living together.

It was very shady even I knew that. With my history, I knew when someone lied. Hell, I was a pro at it. I didn't care what bullshit he said to me. I wasn't looking for a relationship. I didn't care that the man in front of me, full with more then shit, is married.

Marriage was just some excuse for a man or woman to keep their claws clung into someone. Most of the time the men drift from their wives. Go looking for a new fresh piece of ass. They want some new pussÿ in their lives. Most marriages led to divorce anyway. Hint why I, Catalina Natalie Montez, have never had a boyfriend. I preferred what you might say ridin' solo.

The single life is for me, hell I was practically repellent to relationships. I don't deal with overbearing, possessive, demanding men. I don't need a damn man. I am an independent, strong, well adjusted woman.

Even if I am just 20 years old. I learned long ago, no one, not even so called family, will help you. No, I learned what I needed to do and get quickly by the age of sixteen.

With a whore of an excuse mother. A dead beat father I never meet. Grandparents who had long passed, and other relitives who either didn't give a two shits or had other priorities then helping a family member. All I had who cared is an older sister who lives in a different state.

Married to a good wealthy man named Brandon. He was well mannered, respectful, and was like a brother. Stupid for me to say, since he is my brother in law. Brandon was the only man who I never felt the urge to smack the piss out of. Unlike Jay who is still jabbering shît I didn't give a damn about.

"Don't you think?" I caught his question without knowing what he was asking.

"I'm sorry could you say that again?" I kept my voice as sweet as possible. Faking a bright smile along with it to keep my act secure.

"I said, I think this date has gone well. Sadly I don't know much about you, as you know me. So Melissa why don't you tell me about your self." He grinned.

If I wouldn't have remembered I gave him a false name, I would've smacked the fûck out of him. I looked Jay in his plain green eyes. I cleared my throat not likening the way he starred at me.

"There isn't much to tell." I shrugged.

"Well do you work?" He asked, clearly not understanding I didn't want him to know anything about me even if it was all false.

"Yes. I'm a waitress at a small caffè, at the next town over." I answered forcing my voice to come out somewhat honestly.

"What caffè?" Jay asked, sadly interested.

I took a long drink, not to noticeable. Trying to remember the damn caffè I went to with Lacey.

"It's Sugar And Spice Marie's Caffè." I easily lied. Thank God my memory was quick to serve.

"I've been there a time or two." He said.

I smiled, "Have you?"

"Yes." He answered. "I never seen you there. How long have you worked there for?"

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