Chapter Four- Dreaming Sex Wish

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**** RESTRICTED! 18+ ******

Dedicated to coolaliya123 for being the firsts to comment & vote! Thank you!

Chapter Four

His fingers slipped between my folds. Separating my lips to access my entrance. His palm rubbing against my moist sensitive bud. My hands were wrapped in his black hair, reviving in the silky texture. He had my legs spread opened wide as he stood behind me.

"Cat you smell divine." He smelled my neck, licking upwards causing me to shiver.

"Take me." I begged moaning a little.

"What do you want?" He asked.

"You." I moaned sharply when one of his fingers dived into me.

"What do you want me to do?" He breathed.

"Me." I grumpled, annoyed.

He pumped his fingers in and out of me. Torturing my bud with his palm more.

"Yes I get that Cat. But what exactly do you want me to do?" His voice husky.

"Damn it, just get to it!" I cursed.

"Get to what exactly?" I felt his smirk against my bare shoulder.

"That's enough!" I spun around grabbing his hard c0ck. "I want this," I squeezed causing him to take a sharp gasp, "Inside my fûckîng wet pûśšy! The game your playing is going to stop now. You're going to fûćk me NOW!"

I felt his hardness twitch, feeling his pulse in my hand, holding his shaft.

His eyes dark, he lifted me up without hesitation. Throwing me down on my back, I landed on his bed. My breasts bounced from the movement. He forced my knees apart, opened wide. I felt exposed under his wavering eyes, but I didn't care. I was more then happy with the way my body looked. I had all the right junk in all the right places.

I also still had my youth looks which I'm very grateful for. He grabbed something from underneath the bed. It was ropes, I suddenly got worried.

"What's the ropes for?"

"Catalina your about to get the best fûćk of your little damn life." He breathed heavily.

"Ryan! Fûćk me already or I'll take care of my damn self!" I hissed panting forgetting my question that has gone unanswered.

He pushed me closer to the head board. Tying a loop around one of my ankles, he tied the other end to the bedpost. Doing the same to the other, my legs were spread open above my head, going up and out.

"Listen here pûśšy Cat. Your about to come like you have never before. I will not stop when you beg me to. So get ready to scream your heart out and come so much, you'll be a waterfall for weeks." Ryan slapped my ass turning me on more, "You better be a squirter or I'm going to turn you into one."

He winked then wildly rubbed and licked my bud, keeping to his words.

I woke with my heart racing. I couldn't believe I had a damn séx dream about a man I just met ten hours ago! A stranger no less! Out of all the men out there, why couldn't I dream of someone else? Why did some sexy blue eyed man take up all my thoughts? Damn it why couldn't I have dreamed about anyone else but him!

I quickly jumped out of bed. Feeling too warm and my sweat drenching my shirt. Stripping my clothes I turned the cold water on.

"Damn it all to hell!" I cursed.

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