Chapter Five- Drinking And Dining With My Stalker

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Pic of Katie Stevens casted as Cat! Katie the age of 17, was on American Idol in 2010 (I think that year). She made it in the top 9 before getting voted off. She plays as Karma in a MTV series called Faking It. Just thought u guys would like a little fact about her. Let me know if she fits Cats character!

*****Restricted 18+ *******

Dedicated to happygb for voting and reading!

Chapter Five

We stepped out of the lift, stepping onto the side walk.

"So you got a car or we going with a taxi?" I asked sharp dressed blue eyes.

"I have a car." He grasped my elbow, leading me to the right.

We took a few steps down until he stopped in front of a black car. Not just any black car though, a Rolls-Royce Phantom 2015. The most beautiful cars in my existence, well to me anyway. You see I'm a car girl, I know just about anything there is to know.

"You own a Phantom Sedan?" I shook my head in awe.

"Yes." Ryan's face showed his surprise, "You know cars?"

I rolled my eyes at him, which I've done a lot in the last ten minutes. His words were so sexist. Such a man thing to say. Some women do know about cars.

"Yeah. I know Phantoms pretty well." Was my response.

"What's the engine?" He dared.

I smirked, "6.75 liter V12. Ranked at 453 horsepower and 531 pound-feet of torque. Phantoms can go 60 miles per hour in six seconds."

He smiled approvingly, "Yes well... shall we get in?"

I shrugged an climbed in the back seat when he opened the door. My fingers loved the soft black leather on the seats. I seen a woman sitting behind the wheel. She looked about in her mid forties. Light brown hair was pulled in a low tight bun. She has a drivers hat sitting on top of her head, with a matching drivers outfit.

Ryan slid in beside me before closing the door. "Saparina, this is Cat."

She smiled warmly at me through the rearview mirror. "Hello."

I nodded an slightly smiled back.

"Ready to go sir?" She asked Ryan.

"Yes." He replied.

With that, she put the car in gear and pulled out.

"Where are you taking me?" I put all my attention on Ryan.

"You'll see." He smirked at me.

I leaned into the seat, enjoying the ride, not questioning him anymore.


We pulled up to a restaurant. A expensive restaurant I might add, one where only people with money to waste eats here.

"What are we doing here?" I frowned at him sitting next to me.

"Were going to eat. why else would we be here?" He chuckled clearly amused, me on the other hand wasn't.

"How much money do you have?" I asked.

Ryan rose one brow at me then smiled, "Enough."

"Clearly." I said with distaste.

Ryan pushed a button and his door opened. I slide out after him, ignoring the hand he had gestured for me to take. I pulled my jacket closer around me as the wind blew.

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