Chapter Fifteen- All The Protection I Need

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Pic of Laila! With blonde and red hair. Casted to Renee Olstead. Does she fit Laila's character??? Comment!

********Restricted! 18+ ********


Chapter Fifteen

"We must go, Brandon is expected on base soon." Laila stood, wrapping her coat around her.

Brandon followed her actions, "I have some training I must do."

I nodded and stood as well, Ryan done the same.

"We'll need to catch up some more Catalina. Maybe have us a full out sister day." Laila smiled.

I returned a sly smile, "Sounds great."

"Nice meeting you Ryan." Laila bowed her head to him.

"It was a pleasure Laila, Brandon." Ryan shook Brandon's hand.

I walked with them out the main doors, Ryan trailing behind me. I hugged Laila and Brandon before they left. I quickly walked away from Ryan, sadly I didn't get far.

"Cat." Ryan called behind me.

"Leave me the fûck alone!" I hissed.

"Just let me explain-" I cut him off from finishing whatever he wanted to say.

"No," I snapped, "What ever game your playing needs to stop. I will not allow you to reel my sister and brother in law in with your fake charm. I will not let you ruin what relationship I am trying to build back with them. Whatever you said to them, has them blind. They think your a good man. I on the other hand know the truth, you are a monster."

I was breathless after ranting at Ryan. He was utterly stunned by my outburst. I for one, was satisfied to see him shocked. He thinks he knows me, I have news for him. He doesn't know a damn thing!

"I am a good man kitty cat!" Ryan defended then proceeded to explain himself further, "I tried to explain to you earlier but your such a stubborn bîtch you won't even listen. You are in danger!"

"You are the only one who is a danger to me." I screeched.

"No Cat I am not. There is a world of people who can harm you." Ryan said, his voice drenched in anger.

"You can harm me," I stated "You tried drugging me, remember?"

"For your safety!" He raised his voice.

I stepped back in alarm, his body was tense.

I took a shaky breathe, "I can take care of myself. I am a big girl, I'm a grown aśs woman. I don't need anyone's help, especially yours."

I stormed off then, relieved he didn't try stopping me nor did he try to follow me.

As soon as I arrived home I went straight to my room. I dropped my belongings on my bed.

"Cat?" Lacey whispered.

"You!" I snapped, "Why on earth did you tell him where I was!"

Lacey shifted uncomfortable, satisfying me.

"I... I don't know..." She draped one of her arms as to hold herself.

"Do you have any idea what he done!" I snapped but I knew she didn't know. "I didn't want him around. I don't want to see him or anything else."

"Why?" She frowned but I could see she was curious.

"I don't need a reason." I hissed, "He ruined my time with the only family I have. All because of you!"

Lacey looked hurt by what I just said to her. "I'm sorry Cat."

I sighed shrugging it off, "It's okay I would like to be left alone for awhile."

Lacey nodded turning to leave and closing my door.

I need a shower, maybe it will take my mind off things.

I know this is short but I just had to update you guys something! Hope you enjoy this chapter!!!!



Please answer the following questions!

1) What do you think of Ryan?

2) what is your thoughts about Ryan telling cat she's in 'danger'?

3) in the last chapter, what do you think of what Laila told Ryan?

Please answer honestly but still nicely!

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