Chapter Thirteen- Saving Her

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HEY READERS!!!! My dad gave me a puppy for my 21st bday which my bday is on the 24th :) the pic is of him :) his names Brew-dus (not sure how to spell it) his nickname is Bru (Br-eww) and I have decided to write him into this story :D isn't he just a cutie!!! He's a red nose pitbull an he is the sweetest puppy I've ever had!!! He's such a baby and has me and my boyfriend wrapped around his little paws! He'll show up later on.

Thank you and thank everyone who is reading my story. It really means a lot to me you guys have no idea how happy I get seeing new readers commenting and voting. Even more reads in the future on this story makes wanna jump up and down!

********Restricted 18+ ******


Chapter Thirteen

Ryan's POV

I had to see her, it is my only hope. She wouldn't let me explain or listen to what I had to say. Bloody hell she probably thinks I'm a murder. My intentions were good, are good. I don't nor wish to hurt her.

Maybe a little punishing spanking but nothing life threatening.

As badly and as much as I felt the urge to get up right then after she hung up the phone, I needed to shower. I ripped my shirt off, my pants and the rest of my clothing following after. I took the hottest shower I could, hoping the steam would relax my sore muscles.

I didn't get out of the shower until the water ran cold as ice. Letting my thoughts preoccupy me. I dressed in fresh new clothing, a baby blue dress shirt hugged my broad torso. My black dress pants gave me the edge I needed.

Now is the time to get my ass over to her condo and force her to listen...and if she will not, I'll give her a nice spanking. My dark thoughts made me grin.


"Well isn't this a pleasant surprise." He smiled with a devilishly smirk, looking down at me.

I gaped at the bàstard standing in front of me.

Damn him! Can't he leave me the fûçk alone?! Out of all the times he could've showed his face, he chooses now?! How the fûck did he find me?

"I'm sorry?" Brandon searched Ryan to see if he was a threat.

"How rude of me, my names Ryan." He held out a hand for Brandon to shake.

"Brandon." He shook his hand with a hard grip, still giving him a dangerous look.

"Who are you?" Laila eyed Ryan.

"I'm Cats friend." Ryan grinned.

I snorted, "More like stalker." I said under my breathe.

"What'd you say Catalina?" Brandon looked me in the eyes, as to ask me is he dangerous.

I gave him a we'll see look, "Nothing."

"I'm cat's sister Laila." Laila shook his hand gently.

Ryan smiled politely, completely like a gentlemen.

"Excuse me." I smiled at my sister and brother in law, reassuring.

Laila nodded and Brandon frowned not liking the fact I was going out of earshot.

"Ryan, will you accompany me outside." I said, way to nice.

"Now you want to talk to me." He chuckled smirking.

My eyes became narrow, "Come with me."

I would have cussed him out til a fly wouldn't land on him, but we were being watched. I was not going to listen to Laila tell me how unladylike my action would be.

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