Chapter Sixteen- Where I Turn Into The Victim

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If you remember the pic of my puppy I posted on chapter 13, well I have heart breaking news. He has been missing for a few days, and I can't find him anywhere. He has been secretly given away without me knowing. I found out on my 21st birthday he was gone. So I've been really sad and heart broken. I have decided he won't be in the story as of right now. Anyways...heres the new update. Hope you enjoy it.


Chapter Sixteen

The water smoothed me, making me relax. My thoughts rewind the events of today. Even though I'm happy to see my family, I hate how Ryan ruined it. Ruined what happy feelings I was having before he showed up.

Ugh! Why couldn't Lacey keep her damn mouth shut?!

I banished all my thoughts, deciding since it was still pretty early I could go out tonight. I drained the tub, drying myself off and wrapping my hair up in a towel. I needed to get this rage I'm feeling out of my system.

A victim will be perfect to get this out of my skin. Someone to have a shîtty night and next possible days, months even will make my day less horrible. Yes, I'm going to go out and ruin someone's night. My reasons cause I needed extra cash, reasons to make myself feel better.

I dressed, and done all the need to do things. I loaded myself and purse into my car and drove off. Waiting to reach my destination in two hours time. My nerves calming, two hours will soon be up and I shall reach my destination.


"Hey sweet thang," The man slurred beside me at the bar.

I gulped down my shot, "Hi."

"Dance with me sexy lady." He winked.

I shrugged, "Sure."

Victim? Check.

I followed him into the sea of dancing bodies.

"My names Robert." He said into my ear, half yelling over the sounds surrounding us.

"Kimber." I lied.

After the introductions we danced and made our way to a small table close to a exit door.

Victim beyond drunk? Check.

"What do you say coming upstairs?" Roberts voice husky.

The current club I was in, had rooms upstairs for customer pleasures. Meaning rooms for people to go up to an have sex, free of charge.

"Sure." I flirted, touching his muscular arm.

I followed him to an elevator, going up to the third floor. I heard the ding of the doors opening, we stepped out. The hallway light very dim, the carpet a dark brown. The walls like the carpet with white trim in the center. My heels dug into the carpet as I followed him to the last door on the left.

He typed a code into the keypad, the door unlocking. I followed him inside the room. The light brightened the black walls and matching carpet, the room still poorly lite. I walked to the queen size bed, laying down on the black and red thick blanket.

Robert watched me as I removed my heels. He swiftly turned to lock the door. He slowly walked towards me as he watched me get comfortable on the bed. His eyes dark looking at my toned legs. He removed his shirt, leaving his jeans on.

I laid down on the bed, leaving him to hover over me. I laid a little tense, getting a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach. My thoughts unwelcoming to remind the warning Ryan shared.

Listen Cat your in trouble. Someone's after you. Ryan's voice whispered in the back of my head.

I casted that away, locking it in the back of my mind. Roberts eyes roamed down to look at my chest. When his eyes meet mine, I put my hand on the back of his neck, pulling him in for a kiss. I took charge of our lips, but he was quick to dominate me.

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