Chapter Six- Claiming My Victory

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Pic of Nicholas Hoult casted as Ryan! He played on Warm Bodies as the main Zombie guy. That's about all I know lol. Let me know if he fits Ryan's Character!

****RESTRICTED 18+ *****

Chapter Six

"Why do you not want to see me again?"

He asked the one question I didn't want to answer...because I wasn't going to lie to him.

"Because I don't." I replied. "I thank you for letting me ride in your car an buying me food but I don't know you. You randomly show up here without me knowing how or why. You're a stranger to me with freakishly stalker habits. You seem like an alright guy but I don't have relationships. Whatever this is or whatever you want it to be," I waved a hand between us, "isn't my thing."

Ryan frowned his eye brows deeply angled down. "Well then I best be letting you have your win so I can stop wasting my fùćkîñg time."

I was going to say something very smartàśś back but he silenced me, his lips smashing against mine. His lips were like he was marking his territory. Claiming my lips, claiming me for his own. I loved the way his lips felt on mine, but I hated how he was dominating me through our kiss.

Through my wining right.

His lip moved more heated this time then when we were in the bar. I could feel small stubbles above his top lip barely poking my skin. His tongue flicked at my bottom lip a few times before I granted him with an opening. I felt my every nerve come to life. My brain was sent to the clouds, along with my heart rate.

Ryan ran his hand into my hair behind my ear, pulling slightly. A rush of warmth and chills came over me, the pulling of his hand on my hair making me moan a little. All to quickly he pulled back, putting space between us.

"Are you sure you don't want to see me again?" Ryan asked huffing.

I relieved some air from my lungs, breathless I spoke, "Yes."

"Okay." Ryan lowered his head then turned away.

Walking back to the lift, I watched him. As the doors closed I kept eye contact with him. He didn't look mad or sad or anything negatively feelings we tend to feel. Ryan just ease.

Walking into my condo, I felt Lacey's eyes on the back of my head. I closed the door, resting my forehead against it.

"Sooo...." Lacey's voice was way to happy, "How was your date?"

"It wasn't a date." I corrected her.

"Where did he take you?" Lacey's giggled.

Sighing I replied, "Divine Dining."

She gasped and spun me around, griping my shoulders, "He's loaded!"

I shrugged her hands off me, wanting some space. "I guess, I'm going to my room to get ready. I'm going out tonight."

"With Mr. Ryan?" She grinned.

"No." I snapped.

She frowned about to speak again but I walked inside my bedroom.


I'm currently in a night club, sitting at the bar searching for a new victim.

He has nice hair.

The man sat beside me, "I'll take a shot of vodka."

I made sure my legs crossed as I spun around, "I'll take one too."

The man looked at me with a small smile, "I'm Chad."

I gave him a flirty grin, "Kelly."

I'm glad I still have my game on tonight. I hadn't even thought out a plan tonight or what lies I'd say. I would give my self a pat on the back for fast thinking later.

"You have beautiful eyes." He sent me a wink.

"Thanks." I forced a giggle.

"Here's your drinks." The bartender said.

I went to get money out of my clutch to pay but Chad stopped me.

"I have this." He grinned at me.

Why is he smiling so damn much?

He laid a twenty on the bar, "Keep the change."

"Thanks man." The bartender said before walking away.

"So what brings you here?" Chad asked.

"I wanted to have some fun." I told him.

He downed his shot, "Well how about I help you with that?"

I put on my most sexiest expression, "Sure."

I lifted my shot and downed it. The vodka burning as it went down my throat.

Russians sure know their vodka.

Dancing with Chad I couldn't help but feel as if I was being watched. I could feel whoever was watching me, I felt their anger radiate on me.

"Hey why don't we get out of here?" I yelled over the music to Chad.

"Want to come back to my room with me? I don't want to be alone tonight." Chad slurred his words.

He won't take long.


Chad pulled me away from the sea of dancing bodies rubbing up against each other.

"I'm going to run to the bathroom real quick don't go anyway." I told him.

"I'll be waiting here." He said.

I walked quickly to the bathroom. when I was done, I ran into a tall frame.

"Sorry." I stumbled back.

"What the fûčk are you doing?!" He growled.

I looked up to meet a pair of blue eyes.


Boom!!! Another chapter for you guys! Only a day apart from the last! (Patting myself on the back and getting myself a cookie lol.

Is it just me or is this chapter a little shorter then the others?

Anyways....comment me feedback! I'd greatly appreciate it!!!!

Don't forget to vote!

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