Chapter Eight- Taking What I Deserve

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Pic of Alexandra Daddario as Lacey. Starred in Percy Jackson movies as Athena's (Goddess of wisdom) daughter. Not sure what

Dedicated to Nicole2910XOXO for reading and voting! Thank you and thanks to all my readers! It means a lot to me!

Please note this is NOT edited.

*******Redstricted 18+ *********

Chapter Eight

Watching Cat walk out my door and down to the elevator made me want to stop her after our kiss. Make her stay here and be my guest and allow me to spend time with her. I wanted to get to know more about her. Damn it why can't I restrain myself near her.

I feel like a little virgin high school boy around her. She pushes me to my limit and makes me loose control. What is it about her that drives me crazy? Is it the way men surround her? Was I jealous of all those pieces of shît she blessed with her presence, with her attention. They didn't deserve her.

I feel guilty for not telling her what really happened at the club. I wonder if she'd forgive me? I needed to get a grip on my control again. I wasn't letting Cat walk out of my life. I'm drawn to her, she interests me.

Maybe it's the way she tries to hide her emotions in those eyes. Those chocolate drops that held a story, secrets she kept... well secretive. Cat was a guarded woman, I knew that. Why? I have no idea but I want to know. I want to know if she had a bad past.

My plan is to gain my control and see her tonight. I know where she'll be when I'm ready. I did however, place a GPS chip on her when we kissed. A kiss that strikes emotions inside me I've hide. I won't let it happen again.

What is she doing to me?


Catalina's POV

"Hey Cat." Lacey smiled.

"What, aren't you still mad at me?" I rolled my eyes at her.

My mood had changed since I left Ryan's place. I was feeling pîssed off.

"About that..." Lacey looked down, "I'm sorry."

She meet my glaze.

I shrugged, "Don't worry about it."

"What I said was out of line and cruel. I should have never said that even if what you said hurt me. Maybe I said what I said because deep down I knew you were right." Lacey sighed.

"It's okay." I walked to the fridge grabbing a water bottle, taking a sip. Letting the cold liquid refresh my throat.

"Are you sure?" She looked at me dead serious.

I nodded.

"I really am sorry." She said hopeful.

"It's fine Lace." I reasoned.

"Okay." She noticed I wanted the conversation to drop. "So where was you last night?"

"I went clubbing, I stayed with a friend." I didn't give her much details but that.

If I told her I passed out and awoken in Ryan's condo she would question me til no end. I was in no mood to be interrogated.

"Well I was wondering if you were going out tonight?" Lacey fumbled over her words.

I frowned, "Why?"

She held her breathe, "Scott wants to come over."

I rolled my eyes, "Of course he does because he can't have you at his place."

"Cat." Lacey warned.

I sighed, "Yeah I'll go out."

I did not want to stay home and hear my roommate and best friend getting her brains fûčkèd out. Plus I was getting low on cash and needed to find a new victim.

"Great." She smiled, "Maybe tomorrow we can have a girls day."

"Sure." I smiled.

I do miss our girls day, I know I sound like a bitch but it's my way of staying guarded. Lacey and my sister is the only one who knows what I've been through.

"Well I better start getting ready." Lacey hopped off her stool and walked to her bedroom.

I did the same after drinking all my water. I decided to take a different approach tonight. Instead of going for the sexy an seductive look, I wanted to the innocent but still sexy just toned down.

I went for a simple navy blue dress with wide shoulder straps. The dress was tight on my todo but loose as it rested just on my knee caps. The neckline was straight but showed a small amount of my breasts. The dress showed off my back midway.

It was my favorite dress I wore when I wanted to look less naughty. It brung me many victims, two in one night before. I needed cash quickly an knew it would do what I needed it to do.


"Do you like that?" He grunted.

"Mhm." I faked moan.

"Say my name." He grunted again.

Uh oh...what was his damn name?

"Say my name you slut." He barked.

Damn what was his name?

"Do you even know my fûćkîñg name?!" He stopped moving in and out of me.

"You never told me." I lied.

"It's Walt." He began to move in and out of me again.

Walt was actually decent size. He actually had me wet, not close to having an orgasm but if I wanted him to make me I could.

Walt got violent with his assaults between my legs. He pushed further into me at a much harder and faster place. I faked moan and said his name like he wanted. He slammed into me again, almost causing me to begin to build. His hips jerked and he pulled out of me. Releasing himself into the condom using his hand.

Least he was extra safe. I thought.

"That was amazing Kelsi." He moaned.

I faked a smile and giggles, "Thank you."

"So..."He flopped down beside me on the bed, "When can I see you again."

I faked another smile, "We can plan something."

"How about tomorrow night around six?" He kissed on my neck.

Not likely.

"Sure." I lied.

I waited for Walt to fall asleep before I took his wallet. He had a few hundreds in cash and a debit card. I looked around for the idiot to have wrote his PIN number on something. Of course it was wrote as plan as day on a doctor appointment card.


Perfect. My conscious purred.

I quickly refreshed myself in the bathroom before quickly and quietly walking out of the hotel door. I found an ATM machine in the waiting room. Thankfully I had slipped on sunglasses and his coat before walking out of the room.

If the security camera on the ATM got even a glimpse of me, I was sure to be caught and thrown in jail. I tapped into the ATM database so I could take out all of his money, shutting down the security camera. Draining most of his bank account, checkings and savings.

I called a taxi with my cellphone, removing my blonde wig when racing down the road.

I know this is short, I wanted to update you guys something. What is your guys thoughts?! Please let me know in the comments!

Now you all know what Cat does to her victims. What do you think?






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