Chapter Twelve- Creep Beside My Bed

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Dedicated to wolfgirl356 again
For her such kind words on my message board. It means so much to me! You really made my day!!! :) and I also want to give out a shout out and a dedication to wolf girls mother for being so strong. She is my inspiration for this chapter. She inspires me in life in general for her courage to go to the army and being deployed. My prayers go out to your family! God bless you both!

THIS GOES OUT TO ALL TROOPS AND THEIR FAMILIES AND FRIENDS! I salute you and thank you for everything you do!

Extra long chapter for you guys!

********Restricted 18+ ********


Chapter Twelve

Ryan's POV

She's gone!

I woke up on my couch, my body tense. My head throbbed from the bright light the windows let in. I scurried to my feet shutting the blinds slightly. I took a drink of the water I had left from last night. I spat the water out, it going everywhere. The bitter taste brought me to come to a relaxation. The water I had drugged for Cat got switched!

Cat knew!

She switched our glasses after somehow figuring out I had drugged it. I only did it to protect her! I didn't want to cause her any harm. I noticed a small posted note stuck to her empty glass.

You tried drugging me?! What the hell is wrong with you! DON'T contact me. DON'T try contacting me. I NEVER WANT TO SEE YOU AGAIN YOU STUPID BÀSARD!

-Remember our deal!

I groaned frustrated massaging my temples.

What am I going to do now?!

My chested tightened, I closed my eyes breathing deeply to calm myself. I quickly searched for my phone, tears blurred my vision.


"Catalina?" A male voice called.

I groaned wanting to sleep.

"Cat?" He asked.

"Mmm?" I said angry at whoever had woken me up.

"Lacey wants you to join us for breakfast."

I jarred up in bed. "Who the hell are you and how the fûck did you get in my room when the door was locked?!"

"To answer your firsts question I'm Scott, Lacey's boyfriend." I mentally rolled my eyes. More like boy toy. "And... Your door was actually unlocked."

Scott wasn't a bad sight. His hair blonde mixed with a brown. His flannel shirt made his eyes look very pale green. He wore washed out jeans, black socks covering his feet.

"Have I seen you before?" I eyed him.

Fear struck him for a moment before he smiled, "No I don't believe we've met. I've heard a lot about you."

I frowned eyeing him more.

He looks so familiar...

"Cat?" Lacey walked closer to my room.

"Yeah?" I yawned.

"Scott?" Lacey stood in my doorway with a obviously concerned expression.

"I was waking her up to let her know you wanted her to join us for breakfast." Scott explained.

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