Birthday Mischief

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As Kade and Ross finished eating lunch, where the latter cooked schnitzel with the former's help, both of them went to the grocery store.

When they arrived, Kade asked Ross with a quiet voice, "How much money do you have with you right now?" Ross whispered, "$500. Why?" Kade replied jokingly, "Oh, wow. Mama is rich." Ross laughed at him and said, "Kade, this is for your day. And maybe for some shit in the future."

Then, both of them entered the grocery store.

Ross then asked Kade, "What do you drink, Kade?" Kade replied, "Any liquor does it for me, gorg'. Well, as long as it isn't dollar-store kinda cheap. This ain't an ABC, after all." Ross laughed and said, "I'll keep that in mind. Point to whatever you like, OK?" Kade nodded.

Afterwards, Kade and Ross proceeded to buy $370 worth of liquor, including cognac, tequila, vodka, and whiskey, and $50 worth of soda bottles to wash down their drinks.

Kade and Ross went back to the latter's house after their trip to the grocery store. As they entered the house, Kade told Ross, "Let me start cooking the sauerbraten. We still have some potatoes that we can use to make more kartoffelklöße."

So, Kade took his face mask off and threw it away, proceeded to kitchen, and placed the bottles of soda on the kitchen countertop.

Afterwards, Kade turned the stove on and started cooking the sauerbraten that he prepared while teaching Ross how to make kartoffelklöße. Ross threw away the face mask he used as well and said, "Kade, that smells so good. I'll start making those potato dumplings later."

Then, Ross placed the bottles of liquor on the kitchen countertop beside the bottles of soda.

A few hours later, and the sauerbraten was cooked. Ross finished making some kartoffelklöße to share with Kade a few minutes before the sauerbraten was finished.

So, Kade turned off the stove and gave Ross some sauerbraten.

He told him, "I can't wait to see you react to this dish." When Ross tasted the dish, he was taken aback by the flavor. He said, "Kade, this is delicious. No wonder you told me that this was famous in Germany." Kade chuckled and said, "Our words may be hard to say, but boy, do we make great food." Ross nodded in agreement.

While Kade and Ross were eating the former's sauerbraten for dinner, they started drinking the bottle of cognac they bought.

Half an hour passes by, and both of them finished their meal. After dinner, the bottle of cognac was only a quarter full. Ross asked Kade, "You feeling it yet, birthday boy?" Kade shook his head and replied, "Gorg', this shit's only 80 proof. This is nothing for me."

After finishing the bottle of cognac, Ross stood up and brought out some cake that he bought for Kade from the fridge.

Kade gasped in shock and said, "Oh, Ross, you shouldn't have." Ross told him, "Happy Birthday, Kade! I was actually planning this celebration all along. I didn't want you to feel alone today, 'cause I know how much you like to celebrate during your birthday."

Kade stood up and kissed Ross on his cheek.

He then said to him, "Gorg', you are so sweet. Thank you so much for letting me stay the week here, Ross." Ross placed the cake on the table, kissed Kade's forehead, and replied, "You're welcome, Kade."

Afterwards, Ross sang "Happy Birthday" to Kade.

When Kade blew out the candle on his cake, he and Ross continued drinking. They chose the bottle of vodka to drink next. Halfway through the bottle, Kade told Ross, "I think I'm feeling it, gorg'." Ross choked out the shot he took and replied, "Same."

Then, Ross brought out his phone.

He logged into Instagram and told Kade, "Let's take a video, Kade. I'm on Insta right now." Kade replied, "Sure, gorg'." So, Ross started recording himself with Kade, having fun and playfully kissing each other.

All of a sudden, Kade kissed Ross' lips.

Ross proceeded to turn to the camera and stare at shock. Then, he stopped recording. Kade asked, "Is there a problem with me kissing you, gorg'?" Ross shook his head and replied, "I was just... gagged with you kissing me." Kade chuckled.

Ross immediately posted the video to his Story on Instagram after that.

To be continued in Part 4...

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