Ich bin schwanger.

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Kade asked Dr. Scott, "You're kidding, right?" Dr. Scott replied, "I wish I was kidding, Mr. Gottlieb." Then, Kade breathed out softly to himself. He then asked Dr. Scott, "So, when do I need to come back?" Dr. Scott replied, "Well, Mr. Gottlieb, you'll need to see me once a month until your seventh month. As you reach the 29th week, you'll need to see me twice a month until the 36th week. After that, you'll need to see me weekly until six weeks after you give birth."

Kade nodded slowly.

He smiled at Dr. Scott and said, "Thanks for this information, Doc. I'll see you next month, then." Dr. Scott smiled back and replied, "Certainly, Mr. Gottlieb. Thank you, too, for making some time to come to my office."

After that, Kade paid Dr. Scott and went back to his house.

Once he entered, he sat on the couch in his living room. Kade then thought to himself, "Wow. Never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought that I'd be fathering a child at the peak of my drag career. I'd have to retire for a short while, then."

So, he went to the studio where he shoots his videos.

Afterwards, Kade turned the camera on and shot a video titled: "See y'all soon." In the 60-second video, Kade explained that he was going to retire from drag, but did not elaborate as to why, instead citing "personal choices and reasons" for doing so.

Once Kade uploaded the video, all of his fans, as well as other queens from his season and previous seasons, were shocked at the video.

Three hours after the video went up, numerous fans bombarded him with messages over all of his social media accounts asking why he made the shocking decision to retire early on. Kade refused to answer, leaving everyone wondering why he decided to retire all of a sudden.

Five days pass, and Kade bought a plane ticket to New York and flew to the city.

On the day his flight touched down to the John F. Kennedy airport, he called a cab and asked to pull him over at Ross' house. After his ride at the cab, he paid the driver and grabbed his belongings from the cab's trunk.

Then, Kade knocked on Ross' doorstep.

Ross heard the knock and thought to himself, "Who could that be?" So, he went to the door and opened it. Kade gave Ross a hug and said, "Hey, gorg'. Bet you didn't expect me coming over, no?" Ross chuckled softly and replied, "...Yeah. Come in, Kade."

So, Kade went inside while Ross carried his belongings inside.

After that, Ross asked, "So, you're planning on staying over?" Kade replied, "Well... I was thinking I'd be moving here... permanently, if that's OK with you." Ross felt confused, so he asked further, "What's going on?" Kade made his way to Ross' couch and sat down.

Kade then tapped the couch to signal Ross to sit beside him.

When Ross sat down, Kade gave Ross a tight hug. He then said, "You watched the video I put out, right?" Ross replied, "Yeah. Why?" Kade pulled away and told him, "Before that... I wanna ask you about that night. When you said that we fucked or something." Ross nodded slowly and asked, "So, what about that night do you wanna know about?"

Kade breathed heavily.

Then, he asked Ross, "Remember that day when you told me that we apparently fucked while we were blacked the fuck out after the Season 13 finale?" Ross nodded. Kade continued, "Well, I wanna know if you remember if we fucked raw that night?" Ross replied, "I think we did." Kade looked away for a while and said softly, "Fuck."

Ross got even more confused.

So, he asked Kade, "What was that about, Kade? Just spit it out." Kade looked at Ross again, shed a tear, and replied, "Well, the reason why I said in that video that I was going to retire is because... because..."

Kade stopped talking.

Ross rubbed his back and said, "Kade, tell me. I'm listening." Kade replied, "Ross... I'm four weeks pregnant. And you're the dad." Ross was taken aback, but proceeded to hug him tightly anyway. He then said, "Congratulations to us, Kade! We're gonna be great dads to this baby!" Kade smiled and said, "We will be great dads, gorg'..."

Kade and Ross proceeded to cuddle for a few minutes.

To be continued in Part 13...

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