Blacked the Fuck Out

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After they came, Kade and Ross gave each other a kiss.

Then, Kade said to Ross, "That was the best sex I've ever had. Thank you so much for checking on me while we were at it, gorg'. You're such a great person." Kade shed a tear afterwards. Ross wiped the tear, smiled at him, and replied, "I love you, Kade." Kade said, "Love you, too, gorg'."

Both of them shared a kiss before they went to Kade's bathroom to clean themselves up.

They didn't take a shower, since they were too drunk to even be able to turn the shower on. After cleaning up, Ross grabbed his phone from Kade's room table and told him, "Wanna take a picture with me, Kade?" Kade chuckled softly and said, "I just wanna lay in bed, gorg'. My head fucking hurts."

After lying down, Ross laid beside him and took a picture.

Then, Ross drunkenly clicked on iMessage. Ross suddenly thought to himself, "Damn, I forgot to tell Eddie I'm not coming home tonight." So, he sent him a text that said:

"yhe, tabbe. i'jm stauyinrg ovhyer at Gxohttjmiykq's txonsiguhtq; wxhe'qre celefbratihnqg 'cusea onf uxs majkiyngh qTohp 4. twhe tdjiqdn't wiqnd, btu hgeyx. thje expeehcrvnie wjaqs fuhnx."

Unbeknownst to him, he accidentally sent Eddie the picture he took with Kade.

After sending the text, Ross spooned Kade and went to sleep. Meanwhile, back in New York, Eddie came home from the hospital and was confused when he didn't see Ross anywhere.

All of a sudden, he received a text from Ross.

When he received the text, he felt angry. Eddie thought to himself, "How the fuck could he cheat on me?" Afterwards, Eddie made dinner for himself. Once he finished eating dinner, he bought a plane ticket to Los Angeles and went to his flight early in the morning.

The next day, Ross woke up on Kade's bed.

He then noticed that both of them were naked. Ross thought to himself, "What the fuck happened last night? Why are Kade and I naked on his bed?" So, he got up, grabbed the clothes he borrowed from Kade, and quietly went downstairs.

He immediately proceeded to the bathroom.

 As Ross turned the shower on, he said to himself, "God, his bathroom reeks. Does it really smell like this here?" Meanwhile, back upstairs, Kade woke up when he heard the shower running. So, he got up, rubbed his eyes, put on the clothes that he wore, and went downstairs.

In Kade's bathroom, Ross was still trying to remember the happenings of the previous night.

While he was scrubbing his body with soap, Ross suddenly thought to himself, "Oh, fuck. I think Kade and I fucked last night. I swear to God, I hope I didn't send Eddie some drunk text." He continued scrubbing himself with soap after that.

Meanwhile, Kade made some breakfast for him and Ross in his kitchen.

After Ross finished showering, he dried himself up with a towel. Then, he wrapped the towel around his waist and went to the kitchen after hearing Kade cooking. Ross gave Kade a hug from behind, kissed the side of his neck and said, "Morning, gorg'."

Kade smiled.

Ross asked him, "What's cooking?" Kade replied, "Breakfast. I'm making eggs and toast today." Ross said, "Sounds great. I'll just go upstairs." After Ross went upstairs, he grabbed another oversized shirt from Kade's drawer, another pair of boxers, and some shorts.

A few minutes later, Kade was finished cooking.

So, he called out, "Ross, breakfast's ready!" Ross yelled, "Coming!" After putting on the pair of shorts that he borrowed, Ross went downstairs and proceeded to Kade's dining room. Kade smiled at him after he came over and said, "Come eat. I made something special for you."

Ross smiled.

After that, both of them sat at the dining table and started eating. While they were eating, Ross said to Kade, "Do you remember what happened last night? I was shocked that we were naked on your bed when I woke up." Kade shook his head and asked, "Why?" Ross replied, "I think... I think we fucked, Kade."

Kade shrugged his shoulders.

He then said, "Honestly, I can't remember, gorg'. All I remember last night is us drinking the night away after Reggie won." Both of them went back to eating after that. A few minutes later, they were finished eating their breakfast.

All of a sudden, someone was aggressively knocking on Kade's door.

To be continued in Part 10...

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