Chapter 8.

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Swara was drinking his usual latte in the cafeteria of LME, waiting for Ms Kamio. The enthusiasm he had shown to the President earlier, regarding Kyoko Mogami was losing bit by bit. She had stalked him for four days, why was she not showing up now?

All of a sudden, the busy faces in the cafeteria started to put on coy smiles, especially that of the ladies. The atmosphere shifted. The air went thick with lust. Swara didn't need to look up to see the Ren Tsuruga had walked in.

His perfect, signature smile was on his face as he nodded at the onlookers. He walked over to the table beside Swara and settled. Then he checked his wristwatch and sighed.

He must be waiting for Ms Kamio too, thought Swara.

"It's been four days now and she still hasn't come back yet." Swara leaned on his chair and shared the thought which was the on top of his mind, with Ren. "If this keeps up, the whole plan will be shot."

Ren gave an arrogant smirk in reply, "maybe that's a good thing. If you want my opinion, I think this plan the President came up with, is ridiculous. You two think that she's got potential but I am sorry, I just don't see what's so special about her."

"What's so wrong with her?" Swara asked with a frown. "And what's wrong with you? It sounds like you really hate this girl."

"I don't hate her but I can't say that I really like her either." he switched back to his pure signature smile again, to support his statement.

I still sense some hostility, "I am surprised, you are usually the Mr Nice Guy who wants to give everyone a chance. So why do you want her gone? What so different? Is it her motive?" Swara raised an eyebrow with genuine curiosity.

"Yeah. I've got a big problem with them."

"That much is obvious." Swara narrowed his eyes. "You are not succeeding at hiding what you feel. I know you have certain expectations when it comes to this business."

What I want is revenge on Sho Fuwa, Ren remembered how Kyoko Mogami spilled the beans to him. She had the nerve to say that so bluntly to his face.

He was dead sure that she would flunk the auditions, so he didn't worry about her making it in, but now Takarada came up with this absolutely insane plan, which gave her a chance to enter. And it pissed him off. "A girl who's out for revenge doesn't belong in this agency." His dark eyes were grim and serious.

"You've got a point there," Swara said matter-of-factly. Her résumé did mention that her favourite word was 'Vengeance'. He wondered how Ren found out about it. Maybe the President told him.




I am back where I started, she thought. Kyoko was standing on a busy road in front of LME. She looked at the huge building in front of her.

It was almost fifty stories high. The front door was about three meters tall and two meters broad. It was entirely made up of see-through glass. Only the doorknob was an exception which was metallic and polished gold.

Kyoko could see the large reception area where she was almost kicked out the last time when she tried to go in without an appointment. That was her first hurdle. But this time, she wasn't naive enough to go in, through the front door. She came prepared.

She had planned to use the back door to make it in and then use the narrow corridor behind the offices in the corner where she had seen Ren Tsuruga leave, when he bumped into her, before the auditions. It had been empty. She figured that it was where the celebrities went, so President Takarada's office must also be there.

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