Chapter 97.

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It was lunch time. The crew was devided into smaller groups who ate together in the cafeteria. Everyone was present with the exception of the Heels who considered themselves too highly to join the rest of them and prefered to have their meels in their room.

One such group, containing most of the cast including Murasame, happened to be talking about this very fact, like how the Heels prefered to have no one's company except for each other. It was then the stylist's assistant shared his suspicions of the two siblings having something juicy going on between them.

"No, I'm not kidding!" He protested, when the others dismissed his suspicions since it was too unnatural to even think about. "There's really something going on between them."

One of the extra actresses named Rio made a disgusted face. "But they're siblings! How can you even suggest that?"

"That's the weird part. And I'm not just saying that, I've seen it with my own eyes. A few days ago, I decided to go out for a late night snack when I saw the two of them hugging each other out in the hallway."

"So what? Siblings hug each other all the time."

"Yes, but siblings don't prefer to share a room at night when they can get separate ones! There are so many free rooms in the studio, the translator could've picked any if she wanted. Besides, it wasn't an ordinary hug that I saw. The way they held each other, it was as if they still couldn't be close enough. The way you hug the person you're madly in love with, you know?"

Murasame snorted. "Those unhealthy lot! I've always suspected there was something shady about them. How could that sick bastard manipulate his own little sister like that?"

"I don't think the sister is so little or innocent. You wouldn't believe what I saw this morning when we were putting makeup on the brother!"

"What?" They all asked in unison. Even some people from the other tables also joined in to listen since it was such an interesting topic for gossip.

The stylist's assistant told them all about the big hickey he had seen on Cain's neck. "It was quite big! I mean for such a small girl, who would have known she had so much game!"

"Eww!" Rio exclaimed. "How can you say that it was the sister who put it?"

"It was! Haven't you seen how clingy they are to each other? I mean, you've got siblings. Can you imagine yourself in a similar position with your brothers or sisters?"

"Eww, gross!"

Murasame gasped as something sudden struck him. "I finally understand! When they first arrived, I asked the translator about Cain Heel, and when he turned out to be her brother, I was so shocked!"

"Me too!" A few of them chorused. "Yeah, me as well!"

"You get it. I mean, I was so sure they were a couple. But when I mentioned that to the girl, instead of creeping out by the accusation, she ended up blushing. It was so disturbing!"

After Murasame's story, almost all of them were convinced that there was something definitely going on between the two of them.

"My God, these foreigners!" One of the guys sighed. "This is so hard to imagine! How could any brother be doing his own sister?"

Before anyone could respond, they noticed Manaka returning to them with the drinks.

"What took you so long?" Rio asked.

"You wouldn't believe what just happened," the leading lady squealed with the excitement of a fangirl. "That Cain Heel, he's actually a really nice guy."

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