Chapter 75.

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Sho had chosen the back entrance of the TV station to wait for his manager since he had expected it to be a lot less crowded. To his advantage, it was almost empty when he arrived there. The only exception was a teenage girl with familiar short-cropped ginger hair.

He blinked. Before he had a chance to react, she covered her ears and frantically jumped back, literally bumping into him.

She finally saw him and her eyes widened with the same recognition he had.

"Kyoko," he whispered.

The recognition in her eyes turned into panic. She tried to hide the small red chocolate box behind her back but it was too late. Sho had already seen it. Anger flared up inside him when he remembered what Kyoko had said to him on the phone yesterday when she mistook him for that Beagle.

I said I'll give you the chocolates on Valentine's Day, you Beagle! There're still four more days left!

Kyoko tried to make a run for it but before she could succeed, Sho grabbed her by her shoulder. "Wait just a minute!" He minced his words, trying to control the raging flames inside him. His lethal stare fixated on the poorly hidden box she was holding.

"What?" She snapped.

"What is that?" He didn't need to point at the box for her to know what he was talking about.

"What is what?" Trying to ignore the dread rippling throughout her body, Kyoko gulped.

"Don't play dumb," his fingers tightened, squeezing her shoulder almost painfully. "What's in that box?" He asked again.

"That's none of your business!"

He snatched the box away from her. "Those are chocolates, aren't they?" He guessed before he opened it to confirm his suspicions. He glared at the contents inside where he found a brown truffle with a white heart drawn on it.

"Hey! Give that back!" Kyoko tried snatching it back, but failed.

"I knew it," his furious brown eyes shifted from the chocolates to her face. "After everything that had happened, you made chocolates for that creepy perverted stalker!"

Kyoko frowned, her panic returning. "How do you know that?" She went to the trouble to meet Reino out here just so she wouldn't be seen with him. She needed to keep this chocolates thing a secret, yet Sho somehow found out about it.

"So they really are for him!" He threw the box on the floor in a blinding fit of rage.

"No!" Kyoko ran after it to pick it up.

"So he means that much to you now, huh?" He grabbed her wrist and pulled her close. His eyes menacingly cold and his voice dangerously hushed. "That you're making chocolate for him on Valentine's Day! You got no one else, so you go and fall for literally the first guy who would look your way, that nutcase of a stalker, who also happens to have a few screws loose?"

"Fall for him?" Kyoko scoffed. "What nonsense!"

"So these chocolates aren't for the Beagle?"

"It's none of your damned business who these are for!" She held his lethal gaze without flinching.

"Don't dodge the question!"

"Yes! They're for the Beagle! Happy now? How the hell did you even know about this? No one was supposed to find out!"

"Does that even matter? What I like to know is how did you turn from being scared to death of him to giving him chocolates on Valentine's Day?"

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