Chapter 54.

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"And that's a wrap! Nice work everybody!" The Director announced, and the crew broke into an appluad. "The shoot is over, so we'll be on our way back to Tokyo first thing in the morning!"

The cheer that followed was even louder than before. A little while later, the bus arrived and they all jumped inside to get back to the hotel for their last night in Karuizawa. When Yashiro didn't see Ren boarding the bus, he looked around for his client and found him seated on a nearby bench.

Ren was sitting cross-legged with his elbow digging into his knee and his chin resting on the heel of his hand. He was looking at the sky, his eyes lost and dreamy, his cheeks slightly red, and his lips a little upturned into a small, secretive smile.

"Hey Ren," Yashiro sat down beside him, his mischievous grin slowly creeping up. "What are you smiling about? Come on now, spill! What happened during lunch?" With the excited smirk of a teenage gossip girl, Yashiro cupped his cheeks expectantly.

Ren immediately put back on the cool facade of his poker face. "Something did happen," he replied. "I got to skip lunch today."

"You know as well as I do, that's not what was making you blush!" The manager rolled his eyes. "I can tell something happened with Kyoko. But judging from how normal she's acting, it couldn't have been anything major." He sighed. "You were probably worked up about some small and trivial progress."

"Well excuse me for making only small and trivial progresses," Ren muttered unintelligibly under his breath with a snort.

The area outside the bus was cleared since everyone else was already seated inside. At last, both of them got up as well and made their way towards the vehicle.

"Say Ren," Yashiro asked, "isn't it frustrating?"


"That almost every woman you've met had practically thrown herself at your feet, yet the one you want doesn't even realize how you feel. And you end up getting so excited over such small things."

"I'm not frustrated!" Ren snapped, his tone contrary to his words.

"I was wondering," Yashiro smirked his smug grin again, "if you get worried about someone else making place in Kyoko's heart."

Before Ren could even think, Sho Fuwa's cocky smirk flashed in has inner eye and his face hardened.

"Luckily I have a solution for that," the manager went on. "Don't you think it's about time you made a move on Kyoko to let her know your true intentions? I say, since Kyoko is such a pure hearted and innocent girl, if you used your playboy charm on her and put those experienced lips of yours to good use to strike her with even a single kiss, she'd be a goner!" he grinned, his eyes glinting evilly.

Ren stopped walking. He swivelled his head to face Yashiro before he shared his views on the manager's brilliant idea, "if I did that, the one who would be a goner would be me. Especially because Kyoko is so pure-hearted and inexperienced when men. If I rush things and went for her before she is ready, she would end all ties with me."




The next morning at the hotel suite, Kyoko was almost done with her packing when Itsumi entered her room.

"Wow, you're already done!" She exclaimed with an impressed smile.

"Yeah," Kyoko smiled back. "Do you want me to help with yours?"

"Nah, I've got this!"

"Alright," Kyoko having packed her bags, switched off the lights of her room and stepped outside. "Anyway, do you know where the Director is?"

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