Chapter 96.

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I've never felt so sentimentally cornered before, Kyoko thought with a sigh, running the events from last night in her head over and over again. She was making breakfast as Setsu for her brother while Cain took a shower, however she couldn't manage to maintain her character with her thoughts running as they were and her mind going haywire.

I wish the world would end before he makes it out of the shower, she thought. Or if aliens want to invade the earth, now would be a good time to attack. Or maybe we could be kidnapped by evil witches who'd erase our memories for some reason. Anything is fine as long as I don't have to face him again after that! Whatever that was!

She unintentionally traced a finger on her lips, remembering all unholy things they were up to, and all that new places they had explored last night. The colour once again returned to her skin and she squeezed her eyes shut.

Her thoughts were suddenly interrupted by the beep of the oven. Breakfast was ready. Cain would be out soon as well. She needed to get in character.

Okay, she sighed. Remember, I'm Setsuka. Outlaw. Cool as ice. My brother is everything to me, the rest can go to hell for all I care. Raising her fist to her face, she snapped a finger and she was Setsu.

Glancing at her wrist watch, the young translator realised that they were already two hours late for the shoot. Something which would have freaked out Kyoko to the point of her losing her mind, but Setsu wasn't even fazed.

Setting the breakfast for two on the small dining table, she knocked on the bathroom door. "Brother? How long are you gonna take? Food's ready."

"Coming." His response echoed out, sending chills down Kyoko's back. She could still not lose herself completely in the character as the prospect of facing Ren still scared her.

She remembered the dream she had last night. It accurately summed up her entire dilemma. She was standing on the edge of a cliff with a band of thugs surrounding her on one side and a bottomless pit on the other.

The thugs were harassing her. They demanded that she exposed her deepest darkest secret which was hidden well within her heart, or else they'll push her down.

She had to choose. On one hand, she didn't want an early death, but on the other hand, death would probably be much better that letting anyone know about what she so desperately wanted to hide.

Before she could replay the entire dream and get to the end, which still scared her, the bathroom door clicked open.




Takarada was busy reading the sequel of his current favorite novel series when his phone rang. He wasn't expecting any important calls. With a frustrated sigh, he put down the book on his office table and glanced at the screen.

Jelly? He frowned. It must be something important, his instincts told him. He answered it.


"Hello darling!" Jelly's overzealous and squeaky voice cut through the air. "What were you up to?"

"Jelly, I'd love to talk but I'm quite busy today. So if it isn't anything important..."

"Oh no, it is. Remember you asked me to let you know if I noticed anything odd about Ren?"

The President's attention was undivided now. He took his reading glasses off and put them on the table. "Yes. Go on."

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