Chapter 2

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You sat in your car listening to (favorite song) and humming along. You checked the time: 11:09. You got out of the car and started to walk over to the pizzeria. As you walked inside, you noticed a man with brown unruly hair pace back and forth.

"H-hello?" You said.

"Oh! Hey," he said blushing " You must be (y/n). My name is Jeremy."

"Nice to meet you Jeremy"

-Time skip brought to you by toast! : 3 -

Jeremy seemed like a nice guy. He showed you around the pizzeria, gave you your uniform, and showed you how to use the security system before he left. Now you lay back in your brother's chair and couldn't help but to think about they time you spent here as a kid.

~Flash back~

"Hey wait up Mikey!"

"HA ha! Your too slow!" Your big brother taunted as you two ran into Freddy's Fazbear Pizza.

"Slow down you two!" Your father weased behind you.

You and your brother burst into the pizzeria and ran straight to the sage.

"Awwwww they're not out yet." You monned. Just then Bonnie, Chica, and Freddy walked out on stage. Everyone started cheering.

~Time skip~

Your brother and you were playing with some other kids when your father came over and said it was time go home. You both threw a temper tantrum and convinced him to bing you back next week.

~End of Flash back~

That was the last time you went to the Pizzeria. Freddy's Fazbear Pizza as changed a lot since then. Like the "Bite of '87". You shuddered and leaded back in the office chair. 

After awhile you begin to fall asleep.

"This job can't be to hard." You thought to yourself. "Right?"

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