Chapter 8

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You fell off of your bed waking up. It said 7:30 P.M. on your alarm clock. You got up and checked your phone. It was filled with text messages from Gigi. The last one said that she would be coming over in 20 minutes. That was 18 minutes ago. You quickly changed out of your uniform and into something more comfortable. Then you heard banging at your front door. As you opened it you saw Gigi.

"(YOUR NICKNAME)!" She yelled.

"O G GIGI!" You yelled back. She was holding two bags.

She noticed this and said, "We're gonna make cake!"

"But I thought the cake was was a lie."

"Not any more!"

~Time skip: Brought to you by friendship bonding!~

"All done!" You yelled. As you too looked at your beautiful creation. (See picture)

Gigi began to cry. "It's so beautiful. Gotta post this on instagram..."

You rolled your eyes at her. She was always on that app.

"Now for the best part..." You said


"Eating it!"

You both looked at each other and squealed and put on the Ice cream and Cake song.

~Time skips: Brought to you by lazzieness~

You too sat on your couch and watched (Favorite show), when you looked at your phone. "hoc est malum!" You yelled, getting up.

"Whats wrong?" Gigi asked.

"I'm late for work!" You said running to your room and changing into your uniform.

"Can I take you to work?"

"sic, gratias!" You said running to the door, almost forgetting the eggs.

"LE GO!" She said.

Gigi and you got into her car and she drove you to Freddy's.

(A/n: Hey guys! There's good news and bad news. Good news: There won't be any filler chapters for a while! Bad news: I will not be able to update for a while. I would also like to thank you for the 195 reads and 1 vote [I feel so popular : 3]!!! Thank you all for the support!

~Feuer Licht)

(P.S. - Leave comments. Please. Thank you.)

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