Chapter 16

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"salvete omnes!" I yelled. They all spun around.

"(Y/n)! What the heck are you doing here?!"


Now back to your regularly scheduled programming.

(Warning = Swearing )

~Mike's P.O.V.~

"Well, what the heck are you doing here, Mr. I'm too sick to go to work!?" They yelled at me.

"I was told to come to welcome the new guard." I tried saying as calmly as possible. I knew if I continued to yell at her/him they would only out yell me. This is from personal experience. My voice was already hoarse anyways.

"Well... Well.....
That's not an excuse!" They pouted, crossing their arms.

I sighed, smiling. "Why are you here anyways?"

Before I could get an answer from her/him, the boss came with Jeremy and PG in toe.

"Oh good. Everyone's here." He said while taking a puff of his cigar. "Looks like I don't need to call you in," he stated while putting a hand on my sister's/brother's shoulder. What's going on here?

"Everybody. I would like you to meet our newest guard (Y/n)."

Aw Hell Naw

~(Y/N)'s P.O.V.~

Welp, the cat's out of the bag. I laughed nervously as my brother sent me a death stare. I wish I had some of my eggs so I could book it out of here. Our boss looked around, noticed the tension in the room and made a lame ass excuse to leave.

As soon as he left, Mike cleared his throat. "So (y/n), that's why you're here."

"Bu-Jesus Mike. What did you expect me to do." I sighed while rub/pinching the edge of my nose. (Sorry if you're not a Christian. This is just a reference. #Markimoo #NoRegrets #GameTheory #WhyAmIUsingHashtags)

"Not taking the job," Mike looked out the door before lowering his voice. "In this HELL hole."

I looked off to the distance, trying to gather my thoughts. "Mike, are you an Elephant?"

"Excuse me!?"

I paused for effect, smirking. The look confusion before his look rage was priceless when he realized what I was about to do.

"Because your opinions carry a lot of weight."

"Damn it (Y/n)!"

"What can I say, I learned from the Punniest guy around."

Mike Grumbled some kind of "thank you" before the Orange on spoke up.

"Umm. So do you guys know each other or something? I'm Fritz by the way." He said laughing nervously.

"Guys meet my little sister/brother, (Y/n) Schmidt." Mike sighed with a presenting gesture.

"W-what?!" Jere-bere yelled with a slight blush. I hope Mike isn't getting him sick too.

"It was kind of obvious.~" The Purple Man purred?


"The puns." He stated.

"Oh come on, a good pun is its own reword," Mike said while rubbing his fingers together.

The Man rolled his eyes, I think. It was hard to tell without pupils. "The name's Vincent.~"

"That cool! But can I call you Grape?" I chirped.

Mike and PG snicked. He frowned. "No."

"How about Vince or Vinny?" I asked a bit more shyly.

"Sure thing, Beautiful~" I blushed a little.

"Hold up!" Mike yelled getting up into Vinny's Grill. "(Y/n) has-"

"Wait, Mike." I tried to say calmly. And then I whispered into his ear, "666."

Mike's eyes shot wide. Like football wide.

"THEY WHAT!" He screeched! Everyone took a step back as he grabbed my shoulders and began to shake me. For a sick man, he sure could yell. "When?! How?! I'm going to Slaughter that Bitch! Where are they?!"

"Jeez Mike calm down. They were unloyal, so I broke it up with them." I said, wincing at the memory. I was only telling him the bare bones and he clearly saw though me.

His Eyes seemed to go black. "All the more reason to shoot them up."

I jumped back little, startled. "Y-you have a gun?" I asked.

Mike looked off to the side. "N-no... But there is a gun shop just down the road." He said like a child trying to convince their mom for sweets while gesturing behind him.

"No," I laughed. "They aren't worth the effort."

"But (Y/n)," He whined and then lowered his voice. " 360 nose-scopes"

"Gosh, Mike. You're such a child."

He smiled and let go of my shoulders. I giggled. I just hope Chica wouldn't mind me being a little late.


What's Good Readers!

I know, know it's been forever, but I kept my promise. I said Thanksgiving or Christmas break. I would have updated over Thanksgiving break, but my English Teacher thought it would be great to give us a huge ass project over the break worth 2,000 points! (Flips tables) And then finals came.

But I'm back now. Rember the shit that went down in Chapter 1? Well, its back baby! And it will come up again, don't you worry.

Would you guys like a short Christmas or New Years special? Let me know in the comments.

The picture is of me and you! I tried to to draw it without any gender defining features on you so I wouldn't be discriminating against anyone. The style is a tribute to Rebornica since all the charicters are based off of their descriptions. I'll try to post a more colored verson in the feauter.

I'll catch you on the flip side!

~Feuer Licht

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