Chapter 18

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~Mike's P.O.V.~

Today has been a shit day.

First the surprise text from Boss saying that I need to show up to work.

Then the Fucking car breaks down. So I have to push it to a repair shop and drive a tiny ass rental.

I get to work and guess what? My little Sis/Bro is now working at the hell hole of a pizzeria too! I mean, do they have a death wish?

I have no idea why I offered them to take my shifts. I'm sick and delusional for crying out loud! Why did Boss or (Y/n) take me seriously?

I've been stuck in traffic for HOURS and I just want to go to sleep. The only thing keeping nme up is listing to the rock god: Prince. Cause he's a fucking amazing artist.

You know what?

I'm fucking done. I shit you not.

The horn still works right?


Holy shit.

I must be Mosses or something, 'cause I just parted the Red Sea.

Move bitch! Get out of the way! Get out of way, bitch. Get out of the way!


I'm comin home, Doll!

And... Fuck!

I missed the turn!

Alright... I'll just take fourth street.

Just stay calm...

Stay calm.




~3rd Person P.O.V.~

Mike eventually pulled his "tiny ass car" in the dive way of his house. As he got out of said car, he found it curious that the lights in the house were off.

Doll was spouse to be home by now.

Fearing the worst, Mike grabbed the baton off of his belt and slowly opened the door.

As soon as he flicked on the lights he wanted to throw up.

"MIKE!" Doll screamed as she tried her best to cover herself while her partner smirked at Mike, licking their lips.

Mike reattached his baton to his belt and blankly walked up the stairs, feeling their stares on his back.

He had almost caught her before. Three times in fact. But his stupid post-truth prevented him from breaking up with her on these suspicions. Now he had no real reason to stay with her. He was heart broken.

"I told you so~" A voice taunted Mike as he walked into the bedroom.

"Shut up, Charlotte," Mike hissed.

His shadow soon formed into a little girl and plopped themselves on the bed. "You were going to catch them eventually," she sighed.

"Yeah, well," Mike said defensively as he pulled a box from the closest. "It was nice to think that I was going crazy."

"So are you going to break up with her?" Charlotte asked.

Mike sighed. "Yeah..."

"Good," She declared. "I always hated that whore,"

"Watch your language," Mike said as he started to empty his personal items in the box.

"Really?" Charlotte laughed. "You of all people just told me to watch my language?"

Mike rolled his eyes, as he sealed the box. He wasn't much of a materialist. All he really owned was some clothes, a computer, a car and the other bare essentials of a working man.

"So where too now?" Charlotte asked sitting up. "You don't have full custody of this house. Are you going to ask (Y/n) to stay at their place?"

Mike pulled out his phone and looked at it. "I don't fucking know..."

"Language~" Charlotte teased. Mike shot her a glare as he picked up the box. "But seriously," She asked. "Where are we going to go?"

"I'm going to ask Boss for more shifts," Mike told her.

"Aww," Charlotte whined. "But I miss (Y/n),"

"They don't even know you exist," Mike laughed.

"Well they're cool," She pouted.

Mike rolled his eyes. "Let's blow this joint,"

Charlotte gave a toothy grin as they dissipated back into his shadow, glad to leave this place and Doll behind.

When Mike walked back down the stairs he found that Doll and lusty asshat from before where going back at it.

Instead of going in a full out rage, he promptly took the modem and Internet router out of the house. Once out side he shoved it under her car so that when she started up the car, she would break the devices or puncture something in the car. If he was lucky, maybe both would happen.

Mike shoved his belongings in the back of his car and pulled out his phone. Maybe (Y/n) wouldn't mind him staying over...






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