Chapter 4

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~Jeremy's P.O.V.~

I've been thinking about the new girl/guy all night. Why did the boss chose her/him to cover Mike's shift? I could have easily done over time. Maybe I should have stayed with her/him. Her/His (h/l) (h/c) was so beautiful and her/his (e/c) seemed to always sparkle. She-/He-

~*ring - ring*~

Whose calling at this time at night? Mike, maybe?

"H-hello? This is J-jeremy Fitzgerald." I said in a groggy voice.

"Jeremy! O' t-thank the stars! (or what every you say) It's me (y-y/n). The animatronics moved! What do I do? What do I do?"

"whoah (y/n), slow down. Didn't you get the phone call."

~Your P.O.V.~

"P-phone call?" I asked

"Yea, the one you get around the begaining of the sift?"

Oh crap, I was sleeping!

"U-ummm. I didn't get one?"

"Hmmmm.... Thats strange. Well here let me explain."

~>One Explaination Later<~

"They s-stuff us into suits?"


I started to to filp through the cameras.

"Uhhhh Jeremy?"

"Yea (y/n)?"

"The animatronics are gone..."


(A/N: Hey guys!!! Sorry for the sort short chapters, but I have been editing the pervious ones. Now the reader can be male or female!!! YAY!!!! This makes it easier to write certain ships. I'll do my best to try and update every week. Thank you for the 52 views. Don't forget to comment! Bye-bye.

~Feuer Licht)

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