Chapter 10

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I gave a quick goodbye to Chica and ran to the closest bus stop, which was a quarter a mile a way.

The bus bus took awhile, arriving around 6:50. I after I payed I took a seat. I quickly took off my hat. Then followed by my tie and button up shirt to reveal a (f/c) t-shirt. I looked a bit formal but it would have to do.

Putting the removed pieces of clothing in the duffle bag, I looked out the window to see where the bus was going. I seemed to be in the downtown area.

Grabbing my bag I hopped off the bus and made my way down to the movie theater. All of the stores were just starting to open up as I made my way down the main strip. Checking my phone it was about 7:30. The movie theater didn't open until another 15 minutes.

Looking around I found a small restaurant or deli that seemed to be opened for breakfast. After spotting it my stomach let out a long and low growl. I figured it would be best for me and my stomach to go in there.

Upon entering the establishment, smells of cinnamon buns and eggs filled my nose, making my mouth water and making my stomach growl once more. This fought the attention of the man working working behind the cash register.

He gave a small laugh and smiled at me. "Welcome to Kate's Kitchen, are you ready to order?"

"Uhhhmmm" I blushed out of sheer embarrassment. I looked up at the menu behind him and noticed they had my favorite food.

"I-I'll take an order o-of (f/f)" I stuttered.

As he started to punch my order  I took the opportunity to study him closer. I noticed that he had short-ish, thick, blond hair, that stuck out in almost every way, pulled back into a somewhat ponytail. And his eyes where a bright red and seemed deep enough to fall in. He also seemed very scrawny. Continuing to scan his body I noticed a name tag on his apron that said: Feuer "That will be $3.75"

After scrummaging around my bag I was able to pull out the appropriate amount of money.

"Please take a seat. Your food will be out shortly." He said, going behind the counter.

As soon as I got my self all situated in a booth, Feuer came out with a fresh plate of (f/f). "Enjoy," He said. I gave him my thanks and started eating the meal. It was the best (f/f) I had ever had.

After a couple of bites, my phone went off. With out checking the caller ID, I answered the phone.


"Hey (Y/n)! It me Gigi! Are you still up?"

"Yea, I'm downtown eating breakfast."

"Hey, if you can stay up for a few more hours, I can meet you to go see a movie!"

I sighed smiling, "Only if you're paying..." I joked.

"ALLLLLLL RIGHT! I be at the Henderson Theater in an hour!"

She hung up.

I smiled eating the rest of my favorite food. By the time I finished it was 8:50 and I still had about 30 minutes till I had to be at the theater.

I got all of my stuff together and went up to the cashier one more time.

"Thank you for the (f/f), it was the best I ever had."

"No problem," He smiled, resting his arm on the high counter and propping his head on his hand. "My name is Feuer. If you don't mind me asking, what's your name?"

"My name's (Y/n)."

"What a lovely/cool name. Are you off to work in the district?"

"Nah, I just got off work actually"

"Oh, that's cool! Do you work as a night guard or something?"

"Yeah, at a Freddy Fazbear's by the 228." (It a freeway that I made up)

"That's AWESOME! I might have to check it out sometime."

My phone bussed and I checked it. It was a text from Gigi.

Gigi: Are you here yet?

Me: Give a few minutes

Gigi: KK

"Sorry, I gotta go." I apologized.

"It's alright," Feuer said. "I guess I'll see you around."

"Yea!" I said.

It took a little while but I finally got to the Henderson Theater.

"And here I thought I was going to be late.," Gigi said laughing.

I tried to think of a sarcastic comment back, but I was to tired from running to think of anything.

We walked into the lobby and began to look at the movie titles.

"Hmmmm," Gigi said studying the board. "Do you want to see (Favorite/Movie)?"



~One full movie with previews and credits later~

"Man!" I said, "I really liked that one part, where it was all like, ya know."

"Ya! That was awesome!"

"Hey, um Gigi???"


"Can I get a ride home?"

"Yea, no problem!"

~One car ride and goodbye later~

I closed the door behind me. I then proceeded to the washing machine and dryer to dump my uniform. After doing my routine for bed. I jumped on my bed and feel asleep.

~Sleeping Time Skip due to a tired and stressed author.... And Your Best Friend Flowey~

I woke up at about 11:30. Yawning I made some pop tarts, put on my uniform, grabbed my bag and got in my car.

I began flipping through the stations on my radio, when I came across a strange song. (Que Balloons by Mandopony)I shrugged it off and continued driving to the pizzeria.

~Ding Dong~

I ran in o the office and began my third night. I began flipping through the cameras. Everyone was in their places. You sighed as twiddled one of your eggs in your hand.

"HI'A (Y/N)!!!"


~Chica P.O.V.~

I'm so excited to meet see (Y/n) again. I even made a Friendship Pizza! I quickly ran in the kitchen to grab it and pulled the pizza out of the oven. They're going to love this.


What was that? I quickly ran into the office. What happened? Did (Y/n) get hurt? There is no time to think I rounded the corner and saw......

(A/n: Hey Guys, sorry for the short chapter. I promise the next one will be longer. Life just has been really stressful with Lax and School. As for the song, I posted it because of the FEELS! I cried when it first came out.

On another note, I'm not really sure where the story should go. I have an idea for the ending, I'm just not sure how to get there. Please leave comments and suggestions on what I should do. Thank you so Much.

~Feuer Licht

P.S. - Thank you Lumeo for mentioning me in your story. Check her out at ShinyLumeo. She is a really good author. (≧∇≦)

That is all.)

(Edit 1/12/16~

Hey, guys! So I noticed a time gap in this chapter so I fix that. I also gave purpose to the song in the media. Katie is a good friend of mine so I gave here a little cameo. The character Feuer is not my-self, please read 20 Fact-os.

Thank you for reading!

~Feuer Licht)

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