20 Fact-os About Me

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Hey. I'm sorry that this isn't a chapter like y'all wanted, but I got tagged by cupcakes120000. This will remain at the end of the book and stuff, so yea...


1. My real name isn't Feuer Licht.

I know, big shocker.

What's my real name?

I ain't tellin ya


Feuer Licht is actually a character of mine with their own universe and vast amount characters.

If you have read my other story (EDDSWORLD X Reader). You will notice that is written under the name Grace Abounds. She is another character from a different universe or story if you will. She is also hype aware of all universes that I make and is slightly aware of myself though a book she obtains early in her life. Hence her tittle: Keeper of the Script.

If you would like more details hit me up in the comments.

2. I love to play LOL (League of Legends)!!!!

I usually play support with Soraka (the bae) and Lux. (Learning how to play Thresh and Nami)

I can play top but only as Wukong (second bae)

If I have to mid, I'll play Annie.

I'm a god awful ADC.
Oh I'm sorry "Marksman".

And I can't Jungle for shit.

My summoner name is: pheonix panda

If you want to play with me ( ^ω^ )

3. Favorite song as of 1/6/16 (the day I'm writing this) is Jamie Berry - Out Of My Mind. (Link in the media) I also post other songs that I like in the media of stories I make.

4. I am a female that has blond hair and blue eyes and is about 5'11.

5. My Favorite color is Red.
First it was Green because I wanted to be like my mom. Then it was Blue to be like my friend. Then back to green. Then Purple to be different and unique. Until I realized that red has alway been there, encouraging me to be my self. Making the colors of Red my banner.

6. One of my Favorite book series is the Lunar Chronicles by Marissa Meyer.

It's basically fairly tails like Cinderella and Red Riding Hood all in the same universe and in the feature!!!!

It at 7th grade reading level and is a must read. (Please)  

7. I love to draw!!!
I just got a drawing program this Christmas so I've been drawing instead of writing. (Don't kill me)

8. I have one Dog named Allie. She is a an adorable vizsla mix. (She is a large medium sized dog in if your curious) She is about seven years old and still acts like a puppy!!! She is so cute! (Picture is in the media) My nicknames for here is Buda and Budapest. My mom thinks she is a "pain in the derrière". So Buda + pest = Budapest!

9. I have never had my first kiss.
Still waiting I guess. (≧∇≦)

10. I'm a Whovian.  10th for life!

11. I have one little sister. She can be annoying and we fight over stupid shit, but we always have each other's backs.

12. I only have two friends that have a wattpad account. One is working on a story and the other... I'm not sure.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 07, 2016 ⏰

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