Chapter 3

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You woke up with a start. You thought that you had herd moaning but pushed out of your mind as you checked the time. 2:39. You sighed as herd your phone ring. It was your BFFL Gigi.

"Hey gurrrllll/brrrraaaaaaa! Wazz up???"

"NM. Just working. What are you doing up this late???" You texted back.

"Ooooooo ya know. Stuuuufff."

You were about to text back when herd an ear splitting scream.


You shut both of the doors and checked the cameras. It was..... Foxy???


~Foxy's P.O.V.~

That's strange. Mike wasn't there.

But a fine lass/lad with (h/l) (h/c) and beautiful (e/c) eyes.

What happened to the lad and who is she/him?

I've got to tell the others.

~Normal P.O.V.~

"O my Glob, O my Glob, O my Glob!
What do I do?" You said to your self.

You looked around the room frantically. You stopped when You noticed a post-it note on the table.

You picked it up and examined it. It said:
If you need any help call me. (Insert random phone number)

You picked up your phone and dialed the number.

"I hope he isn't sleeping..." You mutter to yourself.

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