Chapter 6

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You were counting down the minutes until you could leave. "Come on 6'ock!" you mumbled to your self. You had 2% of power left and it was 5:58. You couldn't help but bounce your legs nervously.

~*Ding Dong Ding Dong, Ding Dong*~

"iiiiiiiiiiittttttttaaaaaa!" you yell. You gather your stuff and sprint down the hall and scream, "libertatem!" You wrenched open the door to the out side.

You slid to the floor breathing heavily. "O' my god," you wheezed in between breaths. You shakily pull yourself up and comb your hand through your (h/c) hair. You wobbled a few steps forward before being pulled into an embrace.

It was still dark out so it was hard to see who it was. The person held you even tighter now. "(y/n), I'm so glad your okay!" You recognized the voice, it was Jeremy?

~Jermey's P.O.V.~

I had been waiting in the parking lot of the pizzeria ever since the phone call. Once our line was cut I had to call her/him back. But every time I did, I was sent to their voice-mail.

Maybe they died? No brain! Don't think that. I sure their fine..... Right?

I sighed and looked out at the restaurant. Someone was on the floor. I got out of my car. Maybe they needed help? As I got closer I could see the person more clearly. It.... it was (y/n)!

I sprinted as fast as I could and pulled them into a hug. I clung as tight as I could. "(y/n), I'm so glad your okay!"


"Yea (y/n)?"

"C-cant b-breath..."

"O' s-sorry" I stutter and quickly let go. (y/n) laughed.

"Hey, Jeremy. I'm sorry but I gotta jet!"

Before I could say anything they ran to their car and left.

~??? P.O.V.~

Who was that talking to Jeremy? It looked like a new night guard. They looked kinda hot. Gaaaahhh stop brain! Think of old men!

I straitened my hat on my head and walked up to the pizzeria. I'll just ask Jeremy about them. Yea. that sounds good...

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