Chapter 7

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You were making your way downtown, driving fast, cars pass, and you are market bound. You pulled your car into the parking lot of (favorite grocery store). You did not want to go back to Freddy's, but you had promised your big brother and you were not going to let him down. You were the kind of person that was loyal to your word, no matter what. If you were going to stay another night at the pizzeria, there were a few things you need.

You walked in and out of the store in about five minutes holding a bag of:


Baby powder

A twelve pack of (favorite drink)

A large pack of (favorite snack)


A gallon of ice cream

You put the groceries in the back seat and drove out into the city.

~Time skip~

It was about 8:30 when you pulled up into your brother's drive way. You know that he had told you not to come, but you wanted to see how he was doing. You grabbed the ice cream and ran up the steps of Mike's house. You hesitated for a moment before knocking. "What if... he also really doesn't want to see me?" As soon you thought it you shock it out of your head. The two of you had always been really close. If something was bothering him, he would tell you... right?

~Mike P.O.V.~

I've been up all night. I tried calling (y/n) after her/his shift, but it went straight to voicemail. Did I send them to their death? Maybe I should have explained my job more. I tried to leave the house to see if she/he was alright, but Doll kept me from going. She said I need rest and when I refused....... she... overpower me.... But that doesn't matter! The point is that I am worried about my little sister/brother. I really care about them and I can't imagine my life without her/him...

Doll was sleeping on the couch next to me. Her arms were wrapped around my arm. I swear this woman has a killer grip! If she was holding any tighter, my arm would be snapped in two.

~*Knock Knock*~

I wonder who that could be. Its way to early for Jeremy to come over and Fritz, Vincent, and PG don't know where I live.

~*Knock Knock*~

I tried shaking Doll off my arm. Instead of getting out of her killer grip, it just woke her up.

"Mikey, what is it?"

"Oh umm, *cough* well..."

~*Knock Knock*~

"I'll get it!" she said with a lazy smile. She let go of my arm and skipped to the door and wrenched it open.

"Heeeeelllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllooooooo!" Doll said


I recognized that voice.

"Oh come in! Come in!"

"multas gratias!"

"So, (y/n). How've you been?"

O' my god! how could I forget the sound of my sister's/brother's voice! Stupid disease, illness, whatever you are! Man, I'm so sick right now that even my thoughts are a mess.

I wrenched myself up and kind of limped to the door. Doll had a look of horror on her face as a glomped my younger sibling.

"(Y/N)! I THOUGHT *cough* YOU WERE DEAD! WHY *cough cough* DIDN'T YOU PICK UP YOUR PHONE!" Shit, now I'm crying. Fuck you emotions

"Well its good to see you too. I've would have called you, but my phone died." She/He gave me a weak smile. "Oh! And I got you a present!" They pulled a giant tub of ice cream from behind their back and shoved it on to my chest.

"Hey Doll, do you know what time it is?"

"Yea!" she said, "It's 8:45. Why (y/n)?"

"Gaahhhhaaaaaa! I gotta go! Get better Mikey!" And with that she/he ran out the door.

I looked down at the tub of ice cream they had given me. They were always so kind and caring... and spastic. I love them.

~Your P.O.V.~

I meant to stay longer with my brother, but I hadn't realized how late it had gotten.

I ran into my car and punched the gas. (Vroom Vroom! >:])

~Time skip~

I got home around 9:10. Once I got in side I begin my 'science experiment'.

I took a tack and punctured two ends of an egg. Then I drained out its contents and rinsed it out with water. I taped up the bottom and funneled in baby powder. I taped the top and set it down.

"One down, twenty-three more to go..." I said aloud.

~Time skip~

It was about 10:00 when I was done with all of the eggs. Gosh was tried. I slowly maxed my way to my bed. I to lazy to get out of my uniform. I fell on my bed went to sleep.

(A/N: Hey guys! Sorry for the filler chapters, but they are necessary. Why? 'Cause character development. Props to anyone who can guess who ??? is from the previous chapter, the reference at the beginning of this chapter, and what you made with the eggs.

Just an FYI, Latin doesn't capitalize letters unless it's a name. So that grammar is right : 3.

~Feuer Licht)

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