Chapter 9

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You quickly ran out of Gigi's car and ran into the pizzeria. You walked down the long hallway that led to the office. The lights were flickering as you clung to your bag. You cloudn't help but feel you were being watched. And with that thought, you picked up your pace.

After what felt an eternity, you made it into the office and plopped down into the swivel chair. 11:54. You had a few minutes to spare. You scrummaged through your bag and pulled out your phone and ear buds. You then listened to your favorite song to get you pumped up. (A/n: Like the Fall Out Boys or something. I don't know ;^;)

After the song ended you were supper hyped. You pulled out (f/d or favorite drink) and downed it. You were ready.

As if on cue the bell for shit rang. You sat back down, humming the song and picked up the tablet. After flipping through a few cameras the phone rang.

"Uh... Hello. Hello?"

"Sup brah." You replied

"Um... well sorry for not sending the message yesterday. The recording machine has been acting up lately. Uhhhh" The man on the phone said

"Its oka-"

"By the way, this is a recorded message. Just encase you were talking back to me."

The was a long pause.

"Soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, let me give you the low down."

~Time Skip 'cause Ludwig says its Training time~

The "Phone Guy" basically told you everything that Jeremy told you last night. But he did give you some helpful tips, like checking praite's cove to prevent Foxy from coming out and using the door lights to checking blind spots.

You started sipping another can/bottle of (f/d) when you heard foot steps out side. You quickly flipped through the camera and saw Chica coming down the east hallway.

"Crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap le crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap le crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap le crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap le crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap crap le CRAP!" You yelled.

You turned on the light out side and saw Chica.

"NUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU!" You yelled and closed the door on her face.

You waited a minute or two and opened the door again. She was STILL there!


You picked up one of your eggs. "transvit ad infernos!" You screamed and threw in on the ground. The room was engulfed with smoke. You took a chance and lunged at Chica, trying to push her out the door.

As the smoke cleared, you looked up. Chica hadn't moved at all! She just stood there, dumbfounded.

"Uhhhhh (Y/n). Are you okay?" She asked

You jumped back. "H-how do y-you know mmm-my n-name?" You stuttered.

She giggled. "Its on your name tag silly" Chica said smiling

You looked down at your shirt and sure enough saw your name tag. It said (Y/n) in bold. You blushed, "Hehe I guess your right."

"Hey (Y/n). Did you make those smoke b-"

"NOOOOOOOOO!" You yelled. "If you say the name of said item, the author might be tracked by the government!"


(A/n: Sorry I couldn't ressist(≧∇≦))

You looked down at your shoes and laughed nervously.

"Your weird (Y/n)" Chica said "Wanna be friends?"

"Huh? I was under the impression that you were trying to kill me."

"Well the guys have been real jerks lately and makes me really sad." She said looking at the floor.

You felt a ting of guilt. She just wanted a friend.


"What?" Chica said looking up.

"I'll be your friend." you said

"Oh thank you (Y/n)" she said pulling you into a bone crushing hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Ahh! Can't. Breath." You gasped.

"Oh! Sorry (Y/n)" She said and letting go

She walked over and sat in the swivel chair next to yours. You sat down, smiled at Chica, and began flipping through the cameras again.

"(Y/n)! Look out!" Chica said closing the west door.

You looked up from the tablet and saw her sigh in relief.

"Chica!" Freddy yelled while pounding the door. "Are you in there?!"

Chica panicked, "My name is Jeff."

You fell on the floor laughing.

"(Y/n)!" She hissed

"I'm s-sorry." You said in between fits of laughter. "But g-good one! Haha!"


"Hey Fraz-a-taz!" You yelled. "Leave me and "Jeff" alone. We're bonding!"

Chica or Jeff snickered, "Fraz-a-taz, Good one (Y/n)!"

And with that the rest of the night went smoothly.

(A/n: [Please read] Hey guys sorry I haven't updated in a while. Apparently there is no wifi or signal when you are out boating around Central America. (Д) Unfortunately I will not be able to post regularly because life is sucking right now. But on a happier note, when I got back from boating there was a crap ton views and votes. (≧∇≦)When I saw this I was all like, people like what I write! I have skill! I'll treat my self to a round of LOL. ( ^ω^ )

So in short: I'll try to get back on a normal writing schedule and thank you loyal readers for the moral support. Also comment. I would love to hear what you think of this story and if you have any ideas on what could happen in it.

Enjoy reading

~Feuer Licht)

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