Chapter 15

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~Your P.O.V.~

I slowly opened the door to the pizzeria, and I saw....

A man with a phone for a head! I couldn't help but stare. What the heck is going on here!

"Uhhhhhh" I mumbled out

"Can I help you ma'am/sir?" This phone guy said.


"Excuse m-"


"Do you need an ambulance or -"


Then out of nowhere Jeremy appears.

"H-hello (Y/n). What are you d-doing?"

"UHHHHHHHHH- Oh hi Jere-bear!
This man has a phone for a head. That kinda weird."

"W-well (Y/n) this is Phone guy or P-pg. Pg t-this is (Y/n)." Jere-bear explained.

"Oooooohhhhhhhh okay, hi."

"I know this is sudden," Pg stated bluntly. "But are you Jeremy's girlfriend/boyfriend?"

Jeremy started to blush really hard. It was adorable.

"Nah I'm just da new night guard." I said rubbing my eyes.

"A-are you okay (Y/n)?" Jeremy asked.

"Just a bit *yawns* tired."

"W-well I was wondering i-if you wanted to m-meet the other n-night guards... if y-you want."

"Sure" I said.

"W-well Pg is one for s-starters."

"WAIT!" I yelled catching both of the males attention. "Pg, your the voice on the phone!"

"Yeeeessssss, yes I am" Pg timidly replied.


"Well if your looking of the other guards the should be in the office."
(Where else would they be?! Lolz)

"gracias amicus. ad tablinum! vale!"

~Pg's P.O.V~

Jeremy and I watched as she/he weaved their way through crowds of small children with their parents.

I have to admit, (Y/n) was pretty hot. It was relief to find out that those two weren't in a relationship, it means I have a chance with her/him. Unfortunately it's as clear as day that Jeremy has a crush on (Y/n).

Oh well. Might as well get to know them. After all, looks can be deceiving.

~Back to your P.O.V.~

As I skipped down the hall I started to here the voices of the other night guards.

There appeared to be three of them. One of them sounded familiar but I couldn't put a finger on it.

As I rounded the corner I saw them.

The man on the left was a bit chubby and had bright ginger hair and big glasses. 

The man on the left was covered head to toe in purple, even his skin was purple! He had long hair tied back into a ponytail and eyes as white as bleach.

The man in the middle was hard to describe since his back was toward me.

"salvete omnes!" I yelled. They all spun around.

"(Y/n)! What the heck are you doing here?!"


Hello everyone! Another chapter is out.  I think I just be updating when I have inspiration, because that's important.

Feel free to vote and comment. I love it when you guys comment, it makes me so happy. Also let me know if you have any suggestions, those always help.

Over and out

~Feuer Licht)

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