Chapter 5

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~Freddy's P.O.V.~

"Well, what is it Foxy?" Bonnie asked

Foxy had gathered us in the kitchen. His eyes were looking around frantically while rubbing his hook. He seemed... nervous.

I cleared my throat, "Whats wrong?"

He looked down, "It's about t' security guard..."

"What about Mike?" Chica asked

"Well.... Ummm....."

"Spit it out already!" Bonnie yelled

"He's not thar okay!" Foxy snapped back

I raised and eyebrow, "You killed him."


"Soooo, no one is here then?" Chica piped up

Foxy rolled his eyes, "That's exactly why I have gathard everyone, in t' one place no one can see us."

"Ooooohhhhh!" Chica squealed, "I'll make some pizza!"

"He's being sarcastic, Chica." Bonnie sighed

"Well then, why did you gather us here Foxy?" I asked. This blubbering idiot needed to get to the point

"Because he's woried about the new guard.~"

We all turned around. It was Goldie. Great.

"Well, ya. There be somethin' diffrent about this one." Foxy replied

"I'll go check this out." And maked I my way to the door.

"Freddy! Wait!" Bonnie yelled, but I was already gone.

~One-ish Minute Later~

As I was making my way down the hall I could hear the new security guard.

"What do I Jeremy? I don't wana die! I don't...." Their voice had seem to trail off.

"Just stay calm (y/n), everything is going to be okay."

So (y/n) was the new security guard. What a lovely name. Apparently Jeremy was in there as well, but some thing was wrong with his voice. It was... staticky. And wasn't today his day off.

"Did you t-"

~*beep beep*~

"Hello? Jeremy? Jeremy! *wimper* J-jeremy... S-shit. P-phone's-s d-dead."

They began to cry as I was closing in on the door. And then I herd something.

"Gaudeamus igitur
iuvenes dum sumus.
Gaudeamus igitur
iuvenes dum sumus.
post iucundam iuvenutem,
post molestam senectutem,
nos habebit humus!
nos habebit humus!"

What a strange tune.

"Ubi sunt qui ante nos
in mundo fuere?
Ubi sunt qui ante nos
in mundo fuere?
vadite ad superos
transite ad infernos
quod si vis videre.
quod si vis videre.

"Vita nostra breviary est,
brevi finietur,
Vita nostra breviary est,
brevi finietur,
venit mors velociter,
rapit nos atrociter.
nemini parcetur!
nemini parcetur!

The song was very somber. She/He was almost crying out the lyrics.

"Vivat academia,
vivant professores!
Vivat academia,
vivant professores!
vivant membrum quodlibet,
vivant membra quaelibet,
semper sint in flore!
semper sint in flore!

"Vivant omnes virgines
faciles, formosae,
Vivant omnes virgines
faciles, formosae,
vivant et mulieres,
tenerae, amabiles,
bonae, laboriosae
bonae, laboriosae"

Was she/he giggleing.

"Vivat et res publica,
et qui illam regit!
Vivat et res publica,
et qui illam regit!
vivat nostra civitas,
maecenatum caritas,
quae nos hic protegit!
maecenatum caritas,
quae nos hic protegit!"

They were yelling at the top of their lungs now. I wonder what the song means.

"Pereat tristitia
pereant osores
Pereat tristitia
pereant osores
pereat diabolus
quivis antiburschius
atque irrisores"

I peeked in the door to see a girl/boy with (h/l) (h/c) jumping with their fit pumped to the air. They were about to finsh the verse when they say me. Their (e/c) widened in fear and they sreamed,


They picked up a can and threw it at the door button, locking me out. Foxy's right. There is something diffrent about this new night guard. I just can't place my finger on it.

(A/N: Hello again! The song that you are singing is an exserpt from: Gaudeamus igitur. Its a very famous Latin song that I learned in class. It's basically a Fratboy song. So in this story you know Latin. : 3 I left the full song in the media. Enjoy.

~Feuer Licht)

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