Chapter 5

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The dull yellow of the Kensington police station walls looked like they had been last painted in the Thatcher era, as did the orange chairs in the lobby. On one of which, Lauryn now sat, her fingernails pressing into her palms, nervous about the purpose of her visit today to 72 Earl's Court Road. It was the first time since being attacked that she had gotten properly dressed to leave the house. It was her favorite dress, a blue one with little yellow flowers on it. Since her hands were so unsteady still, Marie had done her makeup. Which, oddly had made Lauryn feel a little bit more confident about what they had to do today. The identity parade. 

The two monks had already identified Evan Hammersley as Lauryn's attacker. Marie had already been taken back to do hers, leaving Lauryn sitting alone save for the little boy sitting across from her and a woman who appeared to be his grandmother. She only had caught a glimpse of the man behind her before she had been struck to the floor. But, she did clearly remember the man whom she had seen several times following her. And, she had found out that Marie had also seen a man following them. 

Why didn't I tell her?

Because I never want to worry her. 


Lauryn was brought out of her thoughts by the little boy sitting across from her. He was looking at her.


"Don't bother the lady, Joey," his grandmother said, her Jamaican accent strong.

"It's okay," Lauryn said.

"You're very pretty," he said. 

Lauryn smiled and said, "Thank y-you. Y-you're v-very h-handsome y-yourself."

He beamed up at his grandmother. 

"He's quite the little charmer," his grandmother said. 

"I c-c-can see that." 

"Why do you have a hat? It's quite warm," he asked. 

"I h-had an accident and h-have a b-bandage on m-my h-h-head, s-so I h-have t-t-to w-w-wear it." 

"Oh, it's a nice color. Yellow is my favorite color. What's yours?" he asked. 

What an adorable boy. 

"Y-y-yellow is a v-v-very pretty c-c-color. My f-f-favorite c-c-color is g-g-green." 

"Green is nice too. Gram, why when I get hurt I only get a plaster and not a hat too?" he asked.

Lauryn giggled and his grandmother smiled. 

"Next time you get hurt, we can get one of your hats out and you can wear it." 

"Good. What's your name, pretty lady?" he asked. 

"It's L-l-lauryn. What's y-y-yours?"

"Joey. And this is Gram She's my best friend."

Lauryn smiled again.

"M-m-my g-g-grandfather is m-my b-best f-f-friend."

"Yeah, Gram is the best. She buys me candy sometimes. Nobody else does that." 

His grandmother smiled and said, "Only when you don't drive me insane!"

"V-very n-nice of h-h-her. I h-h-hope y-y-you s-s-say thank y-y-you."

He nodded.

An officer emerged from behind the window holding a folder and walked to him. 

"Your Joseph Brown's grandmother?" he asked. 

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